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Giordano Bruno Quotes

Italian mathematician, Death: 17-2-1600 Giordano Bruno Quotes
Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.
Giordano Bruno

In space there are countless constellations, suns and planets; we see only the suns because they give light; the planets remain invisible, for they are small and dark. There are also numberless earths circling around their suns.
Giordano Bruno

God is infinite, so His universe must be too. Thus is the excellence of God magnified and the greatness of His kingdom made manifest; He is glorified not in one, but in countless suns; not in a single earth, a single world, but in a thousand thousand, I say in an infinity of worlds.
Giordano Bruno

I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority! Let us begin anew by doubting everything we assume has been proven!
Giordano Bruno

There is no absolute up or down, as Aristotle taught; no absolute position in space; but the position of a body is relative to that of other bodies. Everywhere there is incessant relative change in position throughout the universe, and the observer is always at the center of things.
Giordano Bruno

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The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it.
Giordano Bruno

I need not instruct you of my belief: Time gives all and takes all away ; everything changes but nothing perishes ; One only is immutable, eternal and ever endures, one and the same with itself. With this philosophy my spirit grows, my mind expands. Whereof, how r ever obscure the night may be, I await daybreak, and they who dwell in day look for night Rejoice therefore, and keep whole, if you can, and return love for love.
Giordano Bruno

The fools of the world have been those who have established religions, ceremonies, laws, faith, rule of life.
Giordano Bruno

Quote Topics by Giordano Bruno: Space Soul World Atheism Substance Body Science Earth Truth All Things Together May Way Giving Order Stars Unity Mean Night Wise Fear Divine Law Victory Infinite Sentences Light Philosophy Believe Heaven
If the first button of one's coat is wrongly buttoned, all the rest will be crooked.
Giordano Bruno

With luck on your side, you can do without brains.
Giordano Bruno

Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind.
Giordano Bruno

All things are in the Universe, and the universe is in all things: we in it, and it in us; in this way everything concurs in a perfect unity.
Giordano Bruno

It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.
Giordano Bruno

What can be more stupid than to be in pain about future things and absent ones which at present are not felt?
Giordano Bruno

They dispute not in order to find or even to seek Truth, but for victory, and to appear the more learned and strenuous upholders of a contrary opinion. Such persons should be avoided by all who have not a good breastplate of patience.
Giordano Bruno

When we consider the being and substance of that universe in which we are immutably set, we shall discover that neither we ourselves nor any substance doth suffer death. For nothing is in fact diminished in its substance, but all things, wandering through infinite space, undergo change of aspect.
Giordano Bruno

I have held and hold souls to be immortal.... Speaking as a Catholic, they do not pass from body to body, but go to paradise, purgatory or hell. But I have reasoned deeply, and, speaking as a philosopher, since the soul is not found without body and yet is not body, it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body.
Giordano Bruno

The gems of philosophy are not less precious because they are not understood.
Giordano Bruno

I fought, and therefore, believed in my victory. There is more to the fact that I didn't fear death and preferred a brave death instead of a life of an idiot.
Giordano Bruno

What you receive from others is a testimony to their virtue; but all that you do for others is the sign and clear indication of your own.
Giordano Bruno

The beginning, middle, and end of the birth, growth, and perfection of whatever we behold is from contraries, by contraries, and to contraries; and whatever contrariety is, there is action and reaction, there is motion, diversity, multitude, and order, there are degrees, succession and vicissitude.
Giordano Bruno

Innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve around these suns in a manner similar to the way the seven planets revolve around our sun. Living beings inhabit these worlds.
Giordano Bruno

Nature is none other than God in all things. Animals and plants are living effects of Nature; Whence all of God is in all things.
Giordano Bruno

Those wise men knew God to be in things, and Divinity to be latent in Nature, working and glowing differently in different subjects and succeeding through diverse physical forms, in certain arrangements, in making them participants in her, I say, in her being, in her life and intellect.
Giordano Bruno

Why, I say, do so few understand and apprehend the internal power?... He who in himself sees all things, is all things.
Giordano Bruno

Nature is none other than God in things. Animals and plants are living effects of Nature; whence all of God is in all things. Think thus, of the sun in the crocus, in the narcissus, in the heliotrope, in the rooster, in the lion.
Giordano Bruno

I await your sentence with less fear than you pass it. The time will come when all will see what I see.
Giordano Bruno

Magicians can do more by means of faith than physicians by the truth.
Giordano Bruno

I who am in the night will move into the day.
Giordano Bruno

I don't care if 1 is prime or not, if 2 is prime or not, if 3 is prime or not. All I care is that there are more stars in the heavens than primes in the earth.
Giordano Bruno

Divine love does not weigh down, nor carry his servant captive and enslaved to the lowest depths, but raises him, supports him and magnifies him above all liberty whatsoever.
Giordano Bruno

The soul is not the body and it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body.
Giordano Bruno

Time takes all and gives all
Giordano Bruno

Since I have spread my wings to purpose high, The more beneath my feet the clouds I see, The more I give the winds my pinions free, Spurning the earth and soaring to the sky.
Giordano Bruno

I have declared infinite worlds to exist beside this our earth. It would not be worthy of God to manifest Himself in less than an infinite universe.
Giordano Bruno

When the end comes, you will be esteemed by the world and rewarded by God, not because you have won the love and respect of the princes of the earth, however powerful, but rather for having loved, defended and cherished one such as I. What you receive from others is a testimony to their virtue; but all that you do for others is the sign and clear indication of your own.
Giordano Bruno

God is the universal substance in existing things. He comprises all things. He is the fountain of all being. In Him exists everything that is.
Giordano Bruno

I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite. And while I rise from my own globe to others and penetrate ever further through the eternal field. That which others saw from afar, I leave far behind me.
Giordano Bruno

Make then your forecasts, my lords Astrologers, with your slavish physicians, by means of those astrolabes with which you seek to discern the fantastic nine moving spheres; in these you finally imprison your own minds, so that you appear to me but as parrots in a cage, while I watch you dancing up and down, turning and hopping within those circles.
Giordano Bruno

It may be you fear more to deliver judgment upon me than I fear judgment.
Giordano Bruno

I do not know when, but I know that many have come in this century to develop arts and sciences, sow the seeds of a new culture that will flourish, unexpected, sudden, just when the power is deluded into believing they have won.
Giordano Bruno

The stars in the sky are really other suns like our own, around which orbit other planets. (paraphrase)
Giordano Bruno

It is unity that doth enchant me. By her power I am free though thrall, happy in sorrow, rich in poverty, and quick even in death.
Giordano Bruno

Divinity reveals herself in all things. Everything has Divinity latent within itself. For she enfolds and imparts herself even unto the smallest beings, and from the smallest beings, according to their capacity. Without her presence nothing would have being, because she is the essence of the existence of the first unto the last being.
Giordano Bruno

Anything we take in the Universe, because it has in itself that which is All in All, includes in its own way, the entire soul of the world, which is entirely in any part of it.
Giordano Bruno

Maybe you who condemn me are in greater fear than I who am condemned.
Giordano Bruno

There is one basic cause of all effects.
Giordano Bruno

Our … reduceth to a single origin and relateth to a single , and maketh contraries to coincide so that there is one primal foundation both of origin and of end. From this coincidence of contraries, we deduce that ultimately it is divinely true that contraries are within contraries; wherefore it is not difficult to compass the knowledge that each thing is within every other.
Giordano Bruno

For nature is not merely present , but is implanted within things, distant from none... And while the outer face of things changeth so greatly, there flourisheth the origin of being more intimately within all things than they themselves. The fount of all kinds, Mind , God , Being, One, Truth , Destiny , Reason , Order .
Giordano Bruno

I understand Being in all and over all, as there is nothing without participation in Being, and there is no being without Essence. Thus nothing can be free of the Divine Presence.
Giordano Bruno