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Great Things Quotes

Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things.
Joseph Pilates

Each second of our life can be the inception of remarkable feats.
Authors on Great Things Quotes: Mother Teresa Judith Hanson Lasater Marianne Williamson Vincent Van Gogh Dwight L. Moody Ronald Reagan Rush Limbaugh Zendaya Joyce Meyer Robert Collier Katey Sagal Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Dennis Crowley Hope Solo Scott Bakula Zig Ziglar Lev Grossman Pierce Brosnan Mehmet Murat Ildan Andrew Murray Steve Aylett George MacDonald Julia Gillard Charles Koch Jonathan Horton David Copperfield Seth Rogen Neil Gaiman Jessica Szohr Beatrice Wood Maggie Stiefvater Lester Bangs Paul Theroux
When you feel grateful, you become great, and eventually attract great things.

When you express appreciation, you become remarkable, and ultimately draw in superb things.
If things happen it's because God has prepared me. God has great things for us. If it's God's will that I be there, there I will be.

If matters occur it is because the Almighty has equipped me. The Supreme Being has tremendous things in store for us. If it be God's desire that I be present, then I shall be there.
Great things are achieved only when we take great risks.
Frederick The Great

Daring ventures yield incredible rewards.
Expect great things from God, receive great things from God. Expect little from God, receive little from God.
William Carey

Anticipate bountiful blessings from the divine, reap abundant rewards from the divine. Anticipate meager offerings from the divine, harvest meagre returns from the divine.
You cannot be disciplined in great things and undisciplined in small things.
George S. Patton

'You cannot be exacting in matters of consequence and lax in matters of trifling importance.'
I had some great things and I had some bad things. The best and the worst . . . In other words, I had a life.
Richard Pryor

There is something infinitely better than doing a great thing for God, and the infinitely better thing is to be where God wants us to be, to do what God wants us to do, and to have no will apart from His.
G. Campbell Morgan

She quietly expected great things to happen to her, and no doubt that’s one of the reasons why they did.
Zelda Fitzgerald

Who can really be faithful in great things if he has not learned to be faithful in the things of daily life?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The great thing in prayer is to feel that we are putting our supplications into the bosom of omnipotent love.
Andrew Murray

When women gather, great things will happen.
Leymah Gbowee

With the absence of pressure, it's hard to do great things.
Geno Auriemma

We have not come into the world to be numbered; we have been created for a purpose; for great things: to love and be loved.
Mother Teresa

You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them.
Stephen Covey

I think you can have it all, you just have to work really hard because great things don't come easily.
Katy Perry

We never do great things without trying.
Reinhard Bonnke

There are so many great things in life; why dwell on negativity?

Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all pray.
R. A. Torrey

We should be building great things that don't exist.
Larry Page

All great things are done for their own sake.
Robert Frost

Only when someone refuses to do certain things will he be capable of doing great things.

We must be young to do great things.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I think one of the great things about being a musician is that you never stop learning.
Yo-Yo Ma

The great thing about an attitude is that it's yours and you can change it.
Joyce Meyer

Let us expect that God is going to use us. Let us have courage and go forward, looking to God to do great things.
Dwight L. Moody

The great thing is the start - to see an opportunity for service, and to start doing it, even though in the beginning you serve but a single customer - and him for nothing.
Robert Collier

Expect great things, and great things will come.
Norman Vincent Peale

The greatest illiterate is the inability to learn the great things of life from small things around.
Matthew Ashimolowo

Great things do not just happen by impulse,
but as a succession of small things linked together.
Vincent Van Gogh

The great thing is to become Saints.
Philip Neri

Doing great things for others is an awesome gift to give yourself.
Robin Sharma

We are not asked to do great things. We are asked to do all things with great care.
Martin Sheen

There is a woman at the begining of all great things.
Alphonse de Lamartine

Together we can do great things.
Mother Teresa

If you never take risks, you'll never accomplish great things. Everybody dies, but not everyone has lived.
C. S. Lewis

You should make great things, not promising great things.

It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for silence.
Seneca the Elder

That's one of the great things about touring. It makes you machinelike in a way that you can re-create this music not only in the right way but even better than when it was conceived.
Mike Patton

The great thing about him, is that he will not quit.
Cristiano Ronaldo

Just keep believing. This is an opportunity where great things can happen and lets be great right now.
Tim Tebow

The great thing about fashion is that it always looks forward.
Oscar de la Renta

Great things happen when you have the courage to be yourself
Michael Sam

The great thing about catchers is that they do a lot of different things, and they're basically overlooked.
Roger Angell

When you are grateful, that allows God to do great things in your life.
Joel Osteen

We may not be able to do any great thing; but if each of us will do something, however small it may be, a good deal will be accomplised for God.
Dwight L. Moody

The great thing about this life of ours is that you can be someone different to everybody.
Jennifer Niven

We learn of great things by little experiences.
Bram Stoker

The great thing about bushcraft is that wherever you go, the skills go with you.
Ray Mears

If you are going to have less things, they have to be great things.
John Maeda