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Hanging Out Quotes

If you invite negativity in, you have to feed it and hang out with it. Best not to invite it in.
Erykah Badu

Avoid harboring negative energy, for it will only demand sustenance and attention.
Authors on Hanging Out Quotes: Jack Canfield Sherrilyn Kenyon Robert Pattinson Rakim Jill Scott Erykah Badu Mindy Kaling Amos Lee Liam Hemsworth Peter Sarsgaard Gabriel Iglesias Selena Gomez Rebecca Black Julie James Christina Milian Leigh Anne Tuohy D. J. MacHale Robin Epstein Victoria Justice Jim Carrey Darren Hardy Garrett Hedlund Richelle Mead Kirsten Dunst Andrew Stanton Kiernan Shipka Barbara Jordan Halsey M.I.A. Scarlett Johansson Jeri Ryan Bonnie McKee Girl Talk
Life is too large to hang out a sign: 'For Men Only.
Barbara Jordan

I'm happiest when I'm just hanging out with my friends... it really doesn't matter what we do.
Kirsten Dunst

I love hanging out with friends and family.
Ashley Wagner

Do you know what a playwright is? A playwright is someone who lets his guts hang out on the stage.
Edward Albee

I don't hang out with people that are gonna get me in trouble.
Ronnie Radke

If I could hang out with Jimi Hendrix, it wouldn't be over dinner.

You know when you have a good relationship with someone when you are just perfectly happy to be quiet and just hang out and do nothing.
Victoria Justice

I see the human in everyone and everything. No one is more important than anyone else; I still hang out with my high school friends.
Zoe Kravitz

So I have been careful about where I go and who I hang out with because if you tell someone the wrong thing, then it's everywhere.
Frances Bean Cobain

I do need to travel with a purpose, though. I can't go somewhere to just hang out with friends.
Laird Hamilton

When I meet somebody, I hang out with them, and it's all good, but I don't take it too seriously
Christina Milian

If I want to hang out with people, they unfortunately need to be working as often as I am.

When you stop knowing your kids' business and who they're hanging out with, you have stopped parenting.
Leigh Anne Tuohy

We become who we hang out with.
Napoleon Hill

My girlfriends are my life, but I'm also one of those girls who can hang out with the guys.
Sophia Bush

I'm going to do as much as I can with this life, and then I'm going to make sure to take some time off and be simple and ride my bike and hang out with friends.
Jill Scott

I also surround myself with good people who keep me and bring the best out of me. I don't generally hang out with crazy people.
Liam Hemsworth

This is where God hangs out.
Mac O'Grady

The more I sleep the less I have to hang out with everyone
Scott Disick

One of our favorite Joe Strummer quotes was, "No input, no output." Meaning, we're going to hear a band, we're going to go to a museum, or we're going to go hang out with some writer that we admire. We're going to get some input, because if we don't, then we have nothing. It's a circle. It's a respiratory thing.
Jim Jarmusch

I love Wal-Mart. You can put that down. I love Wal-Mart. My husband and I hang out there.
Viola Davis

I'm going to hang out with people, and I'm going to explore myself, and I'm okay with that.
Selena Gomez

I don't really hang out with anyone. I'll hang out with my band ... but I don't have any friends aside from that.
Robin Pecknold

I just wanna hang out. No big deal!
Jim Carrey

I get to pretend I'm flying into space, and hang out with my friends. That's what I do for a living.
Jeri Ryan

I'm pretty focused on my career, and if it comes down to hanging out with somebody or learning my lines, it's gonna be learning my lines.
Cory Monteith

I can hang out with all my boyfriend's friends. I know how to roll with the guys.
Rachel Bilson

I'll always prefer to play with women and hang out with women, and I'll always be a feminist.
Courtney Love

Pork was in 1971, and I stopped hanging out at The Factory by like 1973.
Harvey Fierstein

One of the things I tell people in my seminars is to hang out with positive, nurturing people. You become like who you hang out with.
Jack Canfield

Even as a kid I was never the generator of humor, but I always knew who was funny, who to hang out with.
Andrew Stanton

Hanging out with comics, all they did was make fun of me.
Gabriel Iglesias

I do lots of activities. I hang out with friends.
Kiernan Shipka

What did the letter O say to Q? Dude, your dikk is hanging out.
Ellen DeGeneres

There are memories I choose not to live with, but we hang out at the same bar.
Robert Breault

I hang out with dudes a lot. I can relate to being the guys girl.
Alexis Knapp

Go to the club or go to the block or go hang out and things start coming.

Dancing - that's really what I do at parties. I dance and I hang out with friends. That's my partying.
Rebecca Black

I like hanging out at non-showbizzy places.
Judah Friedlander

I could be accused of being a wannabe tribesman, of wanting to be a tribal dude, but that is not how I see it. I see it as me doing what they wanted me to do, showing them respect and hanging out with them.
Bruce Parry

I ended up spending some time with Jimi Hendrix and hanging out with him, and that was beyond awesome.
Cassandra Peterson

I hang out with all the crew on set. It just makes it easier to work. You feel more comfortable around everyone.
Alexa Vega

Everyone who reads me is someone I'd like to hang out with.
Jen Lancaster

Oh yeah, and Spader was hanging out with a penguin" -Bobby Pendragon
D. J. MacHale

Definitely before hanging out with a chick, I make sure everything is to my liking.
Ryan Sheckler

I like reading, going to the gym, hanging out with my family. That's it.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Hang out with those who have a common FUTURE with you; not a common past.
Darren Hardy

Why hang out with celebrities when I can hang out with the people who made me one?
Barack Obama

I just want to work on things that are really hard, and when I'm not working on things that are really hard, I want to hang out with people I like to be with, and that's it.
Scarlett Johansson