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Henry Handel Richardson Quotes

Australian-English author (d. 1946), Birth: 3-1-1870
There are enough women to do the childbearing and the childrearing. I know of none who can write my books.
Henry Handel Richardson

The truth that could be extracted from words was such a fluctuating, relative truth.
Henry Handel Richardson

That most sensitive, most delicate of instruments -- the mind of a little child!
Henry Handel Richardson

To wake in the night: be wide awake in an instant, with all your faculties on edge: to wake, and be under compulsion to set in, night for night, at the same point, knowing from grim experience, that the demons awaiting you have each to be grappled with in turn, no single one of them left unthrown, before you can win through to the peace that is utter exhaustion.
Henry Handel Richardson

Oh! mothers aren't fair - I mean it's not fair of nature to weigh us down with them and yet expect us to be our own true selves. The handicap's too great. All those months, when the same blood's running through two sets of veins - there's no getting away from that, ever after. Take yours. As I say, does she need to open her mouth? Not she! She's only got to let it hang at the corners, and you reek, you drip with guilt.
Henry Handel Richardson

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In health, in the bustle of living, it was easy to believe in heaven and a life to come. But when the blow fell, and those you loved passed into the great Silence, where you could not get at them, or they at you, then doubts, aching doubts took possession of one.
Henry Handel Richardson