For what is idolatry if not this: to worship the gifts in place of the Giver himself?
John Calvin
If I put things between me and Christ, it is idolatry. If I put Christ between me and things, it is victory!
Adrian Rogers
If we esteem them too highly, good works can become the greatest idolatry.
Martin Luther
We make a god out of whatever we find most joy in. So find your joy in God and be done with all idolatry.
John Piper
Idolatry is worshipping anything that ought to be used, or using anything that is meant to be worshipped.
Saint Augustine
The heart of all idolatry in the Bible is the de-godding of God.
D. A. Carson
Whatever controls us is our lord. The person who seeks power is controlled by power. The person who seeks acceptance is controlled by acceptance. We do not control ourselves. We are controlled by the lord of our lives.
Rebecca Pippert
The essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are unworthy of Him.
Aiden Wilson Tozer
He who offers God a second place offers Him no place.
John Ruskin
Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.
Benjamin Stillingfleet
Early on I saw the repression and idolatry of Stalinism, and when it cracked, I was open to religion again.
Lionel Blue
Anything that I want, I must also be ok with not having, otherwise it's idolatry.
Mike Donehey
Idolatry is still a socially cohesive force - its original function.
Julian Jaynes
Idolatry happens when we take good things and make them ultimate things
Timothy Keller
Ultimately all idolatry is worship of the self projected and objectified: all idolization is self-idolization.
Will Herberg
Idolatry is permissible in Hinduism when it sub serves an ideal.
Mahatma Gandhi
The Great Beast is the only object of idolatry , the only ersatz of God , the only imitation of something which is infinitely far from me and which is I myself.
Simone Weil
Idolatry is huge in the Bible, dominant in our personal lives, and irrelevant in our mistaken estimations
Os Guinness
Idolatry is not simply worshiping a stone image; idolatry is any concept of God that reduces Him to less than who He really is.
Ron Carlson
The worship of words is more pernicious than the worship of images. Grammatolatry is the worst species of idolatry.
Robert Dale Owen
I have ever thought so superstitiously of wit, that I fear I have committed idolatry against wisdom.
John Lyly
A woman's vanity is interested in making the object of her choice the god of her idolatry.
William Hazlitt
The party at its best has always been a modern party.
Francis Maude
Only God has no limits (except those he voluntarily imposes on himself). The mantra "no limits" is actually a call to idolatry.
Roger E. Olson