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Instagram Quotes

If Facebook is Lucky Charms, Instagram is just the marshmallows.
Casey Neistat

If Facebook is a variety pack of treats, Instagram is just the icing on the cake.
Authors on Instagram Quotes: Kevin Systrom Jen Kirkman Iman Shumpert Ted Leo Franca Sozzani Nico Tortorella Ashley Graham Dizzee Rascal Michael Schur Nancy Jo Sales Daniel Kahneman Timothy Keller Quindon Tarver Margot Robbie Wayne Coyne Mila Kunis J. R. Smith Casey Neistat Bella Thorne Jeremy Scott Skylar Astin Parul Sehgal Nicolas Cowan Verka Serduchka Matt Mullenweg Cecily Strong Bella Heathcote Josh Peck Stephen Shore Camille Henrot Guido Palau Rachele Brooke Smith Lorde
Everybody think they're famous when they get 100,000 followers on Instagram and 5,000 on Twitter.
Meek Mill

Everyone deems themselves celebrated when they acquire 100,000 devotees on Instagram and 5,000 on Twitter.
You are not defined by an Instagram photo, by a 'Like,' by a comment. That does not define you.
Selena Gomez

The 'Instagram Generation' now experiences the present as an anticipated memory
Daniel Kahneman

We've gone from looking up at the moon to looking down at Instagram.
Bill Whittle

The smarter the person, the more boring the instagram account.

There are those who build careers and companies just out of being popular on Instagram, but theres nothing behind them.
Margot Robbie

Instagram was created because there was no single place dedicated to giving your mobile photos a place to live and to be seen.
Kevin Systrom

I'm not worried about Instagram.
J. R. Smith

Think of Instagram. Journalism will continue to exist, but communication is now visual.
Franca Sozzani

We're so very focused on ourselves and on self-promotion. It goes on all day with Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.
Nancy Jo Sales

As for Instagram, I follow about 100 people, but I am not interested in what a designer is doing or what a friend of a friend is doing. I upload my photos on Instagram.
Franca Sozzani

With Instagram, the focus is on the present tense.
Kevin Systrom

Instagram is a media company. I think we're about visual media.
Kevin Systrom

A lot of the photography I'm doing and thinking about is directed at Instagram.
Stephen Shore

We just want to build a company that focuses on the love of Instagram.
Kevin Systrom

The major reason why Instagram works is that you can follow anyone out there and start following their photos immediately.
Kevin Systrom

It should be like a driver's license - no one can have an Instagram until they're 18. It's the wild, wild west, the internet.
Ingrid Michaelson

I don't even have Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Why would I ever want to be viral when I'm not even on the Internet?
Mila Kunis

The fact that people look at pictures so tiny on Instagram - people ask me about it popping on Instagram, but I didn't alter myself to be that. I didn't change for the screens, I've just been doing me.
Jeremy Scott

We are so quick to tweet, Facebook, and Instagram but we treat prayer with a sense of delay?
Timothy Keller

I drive a Prius and drink $10k bottles of wine. The wine isnt on Instagram. The Prius is.
Matt Mullenweg

Other than my Instagram - very recently - I'm not out there. I'm not in the papers every week, I've managed to curb all that. I've never turned up at a party just to be snapped. It's not my kind of thing.
Dizzee Rascal

I always separate myself from reviews, but tweets and Instagram comments, they go directly to my phone. It's hard to keep up.
Skylar Astin

You can never, ever predict the curve balls it throws you. So just roll with it, and don't forget to enjoy the moment and soak it up. Don't just Instagram it.
Louise Roe

I was really scared that other girls hated me, that I wasn't pretty enough or cool enough or I didn't have enough Instagram followers or whatever. Finding female friendship was such a monumental point in my life. And I never want somebody to feel like they have to re-evaluate themselves to join my friends or to join any friend-group.
Rowan Blanchard

What you're seeing, certainly on Instagram, is not real, not a reflection of real life, not an interaction.
Alice Eve

Social media, where I'm head and shoulders above everybody else. I've read now 22 million people on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. More than 22 million people. Nobody else is even close.
Donald Trump

I am not on Facebook. I'm not on Instagram. I only use Twitter, which I wish I didn't.
Michael Schur

You know your girls up to no good when her and her friends make a pact to post nothing on Instagram.
Dane Cook

I actually enjoy Instagram. I enjoy seeing what people who I have some connection to are doing around the globe.
Ted Leo

The invention of Instagram and Twitter has made, like, a big difference. Because you can just talk to anybody. And find anybody, it feels like.
Nicolas Cowan

My fans are incredible. Don't you dare talk bad about me on my Instagram, because my fans will come out and they will eat you alive.
Ashley Graham

You never know anymore if you'll see something you don't want to see, if you're jealous of something, if you're going through a breakup and you see something, so I just don't even look at those things any more [ in Instagram].
Jen Kirkman

I don't feel that my life, my professional life, is married to a reliance upon Instagram.
Sarah Jessica Parker

I took Instagram off my phone! I took it off because I found I was looking at it too much.
Guido Palau

I guess they still show the movie in school, so around the time of movie showing, my Facebook inbox and my Instagram DM is flooded. "Are you the Quindon Tarver from the movie Romeo + Juliet? Oh my god, you did a great job."
Quindon Tarver

Instagram is a great example of you just doing your thing.
Wayne Coyne

I'm always on Instagram! I'm like an Instagram stalker.
Bella Thorne

If you watch my Instagram and the quotes I wrote, everything is personal and it's all coming from me.

Jealousy likes photos, that's why instagram is such a hit.
Parul Sehgal

Facebook, instagram - I prefer visual communication better than verbal. But I read all the comments, answering too.
Verka Serduchka

If you include quotes with your Instagram photos, you need to look at your life.
Josh Peck

I like Instagram - I love pictures, I just dont take them very often.
Cecily Strong

We're just taking people and shifting them from taking photos anyway to taking them on Instagram.
Kevin Systrom

There was a girl that bullied me years ago, and I was going through, you know, just the standard Instagram wormhole on her account, going way back into her photos and, yes, ended up liking something and I was like, "No!" I just wanted to disconnect my Instagram - Oh, and then she wrote me a message saying, "It's so great to see you doing well." I was like, "Nope, nope, you don't get to say that now!"
Bella Heathcote

A lot of the earliest Instagram celebrities took really beautiful photos. But you're starting to see a change where it's not about beauty; it's about the story that you tell.
Kevin Systrom

I am very active on Instagram and love connecting with people there.
Rachele Brooke Smith

The s - t I put on Instagram, in a lot of ways, I'm making fun of what it actually is. Some of the things I put on there are absolutely ridiculous because parts of my life are absolutely ridiculous.
Nico Tortorella

We're all not exactly the same person online that we are in real life. I am not as happy as my Instagram makes me look. We are all heightening the positives and downplaying the negatives.
Kim Stolz