You have to be intimate with a person to know that person.
Kevin Gates
Be familiar with someone to understand them.
Our most intimate friend is not he to whom we show the worst, but the best of our nature.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Thus not only the mental and the material, but the theoretical and the practical in the mathematical world, are brought into more intimate and effective connection with each other.
Ada Lovelace
Where a blood relation sobs, an intimate friend should choke up, a distant acquaintance should sigh, a stranger should merely fumble sympathetically with his handkerchief.
Mark Twain
one's enjoyment is doubled when one can share it with a friend - and where can one find a more affectionate, a more intimate friend than in one's own family?
Marie Antoinette
A perfume is an intimate object, it is the reflector of the heart.
Emanuel Ungaro
The truth about intimate relationships is that they can never be any better than our relationship with ourselves.
James Hollis
Portraits are the most intimate photographs. The image will survive the subject.
Victor Skrebneski
there's nothing more intimate in life than simply being understood. And understanding someone else.
Brad Meltzer
It seems to be that southern Europeans are just more intimate socially, whereas I like a lot of personal space - like, a mile from the nearest person is fine for me.
Peter Steele
To know the brain...is equivalent to ascertaining the material course of thought and will, to discovering the intimate history of life in its perpetual duel with external forces.
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
Your most intimate relationship is the one you have with your thoughts.
Byron Katie
Let your intimate friends be chosen from such as are better informed than yourself.
Robert Schumann
To have a great man for an intimate friend seems pleasant to those who have never tried it; those who have, fear it.
[Lat., Dulcis inexpertis cultura potentis amici;
Expertus metuit.]
To have a great man for an intimate friend seems pleasant to those who have never tried it; those who have, fear it.
The art of cooking is among the most intimate things that we can do for another.
Charlie Trotter
I am particular about the seating of the audience - also about how much money they pay - but most of all where they are seated. If I am going to sing something intimate, who am I going to sing it to?
Nina Simone
Usually state laws refer to touching intimate parts, it can be breasts or buttocks.
Megyn Kelly
I consider an intimate knowledge of the Bible an indispensable quality of a well educated man.
Robert Andrews Millikan
When we do the hard, intimate work of friendship, we bring a little more of the divine into daily life.
Shauna Niequist
My aim in painting has always been the most exact transcription possible of my most intimate impression of nature.
Edward Hopper
Yoga is not a means to get SOMEWHERE as if you were not SOMEWHERE already. It is your direct and intimate participation with Life.
Mark Whitwell
Eye contact is way more intimate than words will ever be.
Faraaz Kazi
Fragrance is so intimate for a lot of women - it's your essence, your identity.
Christian Louboutin
No act can be quite so intimate as the sexual embrace.
Havelock Ellis
My faith isn't very churchy, it's a pretty personal, intimate thing and has been a huge source of strength in moments of life and death.
Bear Grylls
We do not always proclaim loudly the most important thing we have to say. Nor do we always privately share it with those closest to us, our intimate friends, those who have been most devotedly ready to receive our confession.
Walter Benjamin
If God should desire to raise us to the position of one who is an intimate and shares his secrets, we ought to accept this gladly.
Teresa of Avila
We evolved as creatures knitted into the fabric of nature, and without its intimate truths, we can find ourselves unraveling.
Diane Ackerman
For it is a serious thing to have been watched. We all radiate something curiously intimate when we believe ourselves to be alone.
E. M. Forster
I've never had any intimate relationships with a dolphin.
Morgan Freeman
Accepting what we're given is a practice in being present to everything beyond us that lets us become intimate with the nature of life.
Mark Nepo
I don't think that you should be perfectly candid and frank about the intimate details of your personal life with the public at large. Subsequently, it creates considerable personal problems.
Tom Waits
I want a sofa, as I want a friend, upon which I can repose familiarly. If you can't have intimate terms and freedom with one and the other, they are of no good.
William Makepeace Thackeray
He's an intimate betrayer. That's what's so troubling. Judas turned in his own teacher.
Elaine Pagels
When you feel yourself lacking something, send your thoughts towards your Intimate and search for the Divinity that lives within you.
I do films to be behind the camera, not in front of the camera. I'm sure I say very intimate things about myself in all my films, but it's better to say it not too directly, to be hidden behind a woman.
Francois Ozon
the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
There will be other forms in addition to our classic marriage. One is already looming on the horizon: polyamory, or having more than one intimate partner.
Volkmar Sigusch
There's something so familial and intimate between a boxer and his trainer.
Jimmy Smits
The most intimate question we can ask, and the one that has the most spiritual power, is this: What or who am I?
The intimate relation between humor and faith is derived from the fact that both deal with the incongruities of our existence. Laughter is our reaction to immediate incongruities and those which do not affect us essentially. Faith is the only possible response to the ultimate incongruities of existence, which threaten the very meaning of our life.
Reinhold Niebuhr
In such a case secrecy must be absolute to be effective, and although mere vague curiosity induced many persons of my intimate acquaintance to ask to be allowed to just go in and have a peep, I never admitted anyone.
Henry Bessemer
What draws us into the desert is the search for something intimate in the remote.
Edward Abbey
In order to share intimate feelings, you have to have intimate feelings.
Dean Martin
So, you know, parenting is a very intimate and amazing experience and one of the best experiences of my life.
Uma Thurman
Intimate, loving, and enduring relationships with our family and close friends will be among the sources of the deepest joy in our lives.
Clayton Christensen
I took you to an intimate restaurant, then to a suggestive movie. There's nothing left to talk about, unless it's horizontally.
Olivia Newton-John
I thought I had learned how to have an intimate relationship. And I thought I'd learned how to be happy. Everybody has issues. For me, the challenge is intimacy, but I really didn't start to get that until I turned 60.
Jane Fonda