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Jane Anderson Quotes

A good play is a good play. If you want to chalk up your rejection letters to the fact that you're a woman, that's your choice. But often you get a rejection letter because your play isn't ready. Or the time isn't ready for your play. And that has nothing to do with gender.
Jane Anderson

Mourning your first love is as important as meeting your first love. It's the whole cycle.
Jane Anderson

We had a few calls saying election precincts had closed early. But it turned out that the callers were in the wrong places. Some people went to the old locations of a church, rather than the new one. We called the polling locations as well as the church pastor and they verified they were still open.
Jane Anderson

I'm a very pragmatic soul. I'm part of the business and I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to being an over-believer in spiritual or in paranormal matters.
Jane Anderson