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Jean Chatzky Quotes

Jean Chatzky Quotes
Buy experiences, not things. Spending on experiences makes people happier than spending on things. Things get broken and go out of style. Experiences get better every time you talk about them.
Jean Chatzky

You can have a do-over starting today. But you have to get over the feeling that it's too late
Jean Chatzky

It's not about having it all. It's about having what you value most.
Jean Chatzky

You'll get much better results by being upfront, answering creditors calls, and responding to their letters. Delaying the inevitable only digs a deeper hole.
Jean Chatzky

In about one-third of credit card consolidations, within a short period of time, the cards come back out of the wallet, and in no time at all, they're charged back up. Then you're in an even worse position, because you have the credit card debt and the consolidation loan to worry about. You're in a hole that's twice as deep - and twice as steep.
Jean Chatzky

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Turn down offers for new cards or credit line increases on your current cards. Credit's tight, and chances are, you're not getting many offers anyway. But if you do, remember that the less credit you have available, the less trouble you can get into.
Jean Chatzky

By definition, saving - for anything - requires us to not get things now so that we can get bigger ones later.
Jean Chatzky

You need a clear, legitimate excuse for why you're behind [the bankruptcy], such as a layoff, divorce, or medical emergency. Be prepared to back up the circumstances with supporting documents. Anything you have to substantiate your story - including proof that you have, for instance, been actively looking for a new job - will help.
Jean Chatzky

Quote Topics by Jean Chatzky: Credit Debt Cards Home People Years Goal Needs Dollars Hands Lines Able Long Helping Want Fall Pay Shopping Looks Spending Use Holes Clear Settlement Lists Ideas Results Values Calling Lasts
A little personality goes a long way.
Jean Chatzky

Take the cards out of your wallet. A debit card is accepted just about everywhere that credit cards are, and you'll be spending money you have - always a good thing.
Jean Chatzky

Don't let the fact that you're spending time getting organized result in late fees on your credit card bills.
Jean Chatzky

You fall a bit behind on a credit card bill, your interest rate soars, your minimum payment rises, and you start falling more and more behind every month. You don't see an end. But you don't want to file bankruptcy either. What you can do - and should do - is negotiate.
Jean Chatzky

If you are able to settle, you'll be getting off rather easy. Debt settlement companies can sometimes get you off the hook for a large percentage of your debt - in many cases, up to 50% will be written off.
Jean Chatzky

Pay cash. For some reason, it's harder for people psychologically to part with their cash than it is to swipe a card. Maybe it's the act of physically seeing the money change hands, or maybe it's because you don't want to break a $20 for a $2 cup of coffee.
Jean Chatzky

You settled a debt instead of paying in full will stay on your credit report for as long as the individual accounts are reported, which is typically seven years from the date that the account was settled. Unlike with bankruptcy, there isn't a separate line on your credit report dedicated to debt settlement, so each account settled will be listed as a charge-off.
Jean Chatzky

If you're filing bankruptcy, you will likely want to hire an attorney. But for debt settlement, a company is sufficient, or as I said, you can often do the legwork on your own.
Jean Chatzky

Sometimes a creditor is willingto do this as a bargaining point - you give the creditor cash in hand, it gives you a positive listing on your credit report - even though you haven't paid the full amount. Get this agreement in writing.
Jean Chatzky

Save for your goals. Take note of what's coming your way - vacations, the holidays, what ever is going to cost you money - and start saving ahead of time so that you have a stash when the time comes.
Jean Chatzky

Even in the days of the tightest credit in 2008, HELOCs [ home equity line of credit ] and home equity loans were being made.
Jean Chatzky

If you are, consolidating at a lower interest rate can help you pay off your debt faster. But if there's even a small chance that you'll spiral back into debt, it's not for you.
Jean Chatzky

Debt settlement companies work as a middleman between you and your creditor. If all goes well (and that's a big if), you should be able to settle your debts for cents on the dollar. You'll also pay a fee to the debt settlement company, usually either a percentage of the total debt you have or a percentage of the total amount forgiven.
Jean Chatzky

If you have even a smidgen of doubt that you'll be able to stay away from racking up additional debt, don't do it.
Jean Chatzky

When you default on a secured debt, the creditor takes the asset that backs up that debt. When you convert credit card debt to mortgage debt, you are securing that credit card debt with your home. That's a risky proposition.
Jean Chatzky

If you default on an unsecured debt, you won't lose anything (except points on your credit score).
Jean Chatzky

You also need to understand that when you consolidate credit card debt into mortgage debt - like a home equity loan or a HELOC [ home equity line of credit ] - you're taking an unsecured debt and turning it into a secured debt.
Jean Chatzky

A consolidation makes sense only if you can lower your overall interest rate. Many people consolidate by taking out a home equity line loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC), refinancing a mortgage, or taking out a personal loan. They then use this cheaper debt to pay off more expensive debt, most frequently credit card loans, but also auto loans, private student loans, or other debt.
Jean Chatzky

You won't be caught off guard and you won't feel guilty, because you'll be spending money that you've allocated for the occasion.
Jean Chatzky

One thing I want to make clear: You never want to hide from your debts. It doesn't work.
Jean Chatzky

The interest rate you receive, however, is contingent on your credit score.
Jean Chatzky

Rolling all of your debts into a single loan is a good idea - in theory. In fact, it can be a great idea.
Jean Chatzky

No company can promise an end date, but if you have multiple debts, the first one should be settled within a year.
Jean Chatzky

Most people don't know this, but if you settle a debt for less than the amount you owed, you are potentially responsible for taxes on the forgiven debt. Look at it this way: You received goods and services for the full amount of debt, but you're only paying for a portion of it - sometimes less than 50%. Anything more than $600 is generally considered taxable, but the IRS will sometimes waive the tax if you can prove that your assets were less than your liabilities when the debt was settled.
Jean Chatzky

Once the settlement is completed, the credit card company will report it to the credit bureaus, which will then make a notation on your credit report that that account was paid by settlement. That's going to signal to future lenders that you left the last guy hanging. That's why, as with bankruptcy, debt settlement is an extreme option, one you shouldn't take lightly. It's not just an easy, cheap way to eliminate debt.
Jean Chatzky

After explaining why you're in trouble, ask the creditor if the company would be willing to accept a smaller amount. Start negotiations at about 30% of the total amount due, with the end goal of paying 50%.
Jean Chatzky

In fact, the bigger the bill, the less likely you are to spend it. If you want to really save money, spend only cash and carry only fifty-dollar bills.
Jean Chatzky

Unless you have multiple accounts that you need to negotiate and you think the project is just too big to tackle on your own, you're better off just calling your creditors directly.
Jean Chatzky

You really don't need to hire a debt settlement company to negotiate with your creditors.
Jean Chatzky

If you'd asked me a few years ago about debt settlement companies, I probably would have told you to avoid them.
Jean Chatzky

You must be sure - and I mean absolutely positive - that you have the willpower to pay off those credit cards and not use them again.
Jean Chatzky

Get your friends involved. Let your shopping buddies know that you're on a tight budget, and they can help you out when your willpower starts to weaken at the mall.
Jean Chatzky

In most cases, if you've gotten to this point, you've already received a letter or phone message from your creditor with the name and extension of a representative. If you haven't, you can call the toll-free number on your bill, but keep in mind that the person who answers may not have the power to negotiate a settlement. Ask to speak to someone who is either a supervisor or in the settlement department, if the creditor has one (as many do).
Jean Chatzky

The debt settlement company will direct you to stop paying your creditor and instead send the money directly to them each month. The company's goal is to demonstrate to your creditor that you don't have the money to pay up - that's your leverage. After a few months, the company will typically go to the creditor and say, "I'm holding X dollars on behalf of your customer. He doesn't have the money to pay you, so you should take this amount as a settlement or you'll end up with nothing." If the creditor wants to get paid badly enough, it will take the money.
Jean Chatzky

The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 made it harder for individuals to file bankruptcy, which is always the last resort. Unfortunately, simultaneously consumers racked up so much debt that counseling companies - which are higher up on my list if you need help managing your debt - are sometimes unable to help. So if you fall into this camp, debt settlement may be something to consider.
Jean Chatzky