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Jennifer Kavanagh Quotes

As with other movements of the spirit, simplicity can be both a cause and an effect. As a spiritual path develops, so there is a yearning for a simpler life; as we simplify our life, so the inner voice becomes clearer.
Jennifer Kavanagh

What empowers me in my daily work and life is the knowledge that I will be guided, if I let go of my need to control. That I need only to leave space for grace to work in me.
Jennifer Kavanagh

Even in the busiest lives, there is room for a sacred pause. Between actions, pause and remember who you are.
Jennifer Kavanagh

When we apply simplicity to our own lives, when we strip away the unnecessary, the extraneous from ourselves, we become more truly who we are, and as such we reveal the potential we were born to express.
Jennifer Kavanagh

The idea of happiness for me is being in tune with all around me, at one with all that is. Awareness of our interconnectedness. Harmony.
Jennifer Kavanagh