There is no reconciliation until you recognize the dignity of the other, until you see their view- you have to enter into the pain of the people. You've got to feel their need.
John M. Perkins
No harmony is achievable until you appreciate the worth of the other, until you contemplate their perspective- you must immerse yourself in the grief of the people. You have to sense their requirement.
We live out our call most fully when we are a community of faith with arms wrapped about a community of pain.
John M. Perkins
You don't give people dignity. You affirm it.
John M. Perkins
Godly leadership is not about attaining recognition or glory; it's about serving others.
John M. Perkins
The big deal is we think the power is in us individuallythe power is in us collectively. It is in the church.
John M. Perkins
Justice goes across racial and economic barriers - like the good Samaritan.
John M. Perkins
The poor need the motivation, the incentives, the skills, the education so they can help themselves.
John M. Perkins
Education is not a luxury in modern American society-it is essential for survival.
John M. Perkins