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Judy Dater Quotes

The older I get, the one thing I can trust in myself more than anything else is the way I feel about something. When I photograph I try to be as aware of my feelings as I can be to somehow try and get them out of me and onto the film in terms of the way I am responding or seeing the world.
Judy Dater

I want to show people as they are, not glorified, no shame - fat, bulges, wrinkles and all. I want the work to be disturbing, unsettling, provocative, challenging, and thought provoking.
Judy Dater

I started photographing men in 1964. Fourteen years later I got a Guggenheim, even so no one would publish the male nudes.
Judy Dater

Portraits I've done in the past I've always thought were a reflection of me.
Judy Dater

I've done a lot of nudes and there's always a sexual charge.
Judy Dater

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I think when you're photographing - when anybody's photographing another person in a private situation, it's a kind of a seduction but it's not always a sexual seduction... I feel like when Jack [Welpott] was doing it, it was a sexual seduction and when I was doing it, it was more of a psychological seduction in order to get them to cooperate with me... Not because I wanted them to spread their legs or... be, you know, Wanna sleep with me? , or whatever.
Judy Dater

I've consciously tried to be provocative and disturbing.
Judy Dater