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Juggling Quotes

I need to recharge creatively, and get off the clock of having to be somewhere just because, and having to keep juggling all these things.
Kenny Chesney

Authors on Juggling Quotes: Kenny Chesney Jojo Moyes Saffron Aldridge Madonna Ciccone Karen Elson Lee Mack
It's weird juggling children in a rhinestone outfit.
Madonna Ciccone

All that counts is the truth. Without it you're basically just juggling people's daft ideas.
Jojo Moyes

Drinking and driving is safer than either drinking or driving - and no one has ever died drinking, driving and juggling.
Lee Mack

At 24, I took time off to have a baby, and ever since, I have been juggling modelling with motherhood.
Saffron Aldridge

I'm dedicating my time to going on tour and basically juggling music, modeling, and being a mother. Being a mother is obviously the most important.
Karen Elson