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Juniors Quotes

When I was a junior camp counselor and it was my job to tell the campers a bedtime story or devotional, I would tell them a rapture story.
Jerry B. Jenkins

Authors on Juniors Quotes: Yesung James Franco Martin Wong Frank Iero Taylor Momsen Claire Danes Adora Svitak John F. Kennedy Zelo Eunhyuk Kim Harrison Shindong Bob Hawke Kristen Stewart Michelle Stuart Quincy Jones Maria Sharapova Rashida Jones Colin Powell Danny McBride John Maynard Keynes Ornette Coleman Sallie Krawcheck Dana Carvey Kim Heechul Simone Elkeles Amelie Mauresmo Lorna Luft Mitchell Kapor Pete Docter Tommy Lee Chris Jericho Dominic Chianese
The high point of my entire junior high school career was going backstage after the first concert to meet the Beatles in person. I had a huge crush on George Harrison at the time, having inherited my family's passion for skinny musicians, and I was simply awestruck to be meeting the Fab Four in person.
Lorna Luft

Some of the best advice I've had comes from junior officers and enlisted men.
Chester W. Nimitz

I did the marching band all throughout junior high and high school. Music was one of my favorite things in school.
Tommy Lee

If there were no E.L.F, Super Junior wouldn't exist.
Kim Heechul

When I feel confused or depressed, I remember back to junior high and I silently repeat, 'This, too, shall pass.'
Josh Groban

If my life has got a book, I will write a word 'Super Junior' the biggest in it.

When I was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I would still have junior officers brief me. Usually these people knew more about the subject we were discussing than I did. I had to make sure that they felt confident enough to tell me everything they believed.
Colin Powell

If there is hell, it was modeled after junior high school.
Lewis Black

I wish I had never got manic depression. When I was in junior high, I didn't know what was the matter with me. It was as if I'd died or something. Now that I go to a clinic and get the right kind of medicine, I am not as depressed as I used to be.
Daniel Johnston

For me Super Junior like a water, I always need it and it very fresh for me

I actually built a tiny computer as a junior high school project.
Mitchell Kapor

I think friendship is learning from Leeeuk hyung in Super Junior. Oh, I know, friendship is Super Junior.

The only thing my mother would say to me about my music - I'd say, "Mom, listen to this," and she'd say, "Junior, I know who you are."
Ornette Coleman

In junior high, I sang in madrigals, men's' and women's' choir. I played piano too, but then I got out of it.
Travis Barker

As like as we (Super Junior and E.L.F.) started together, let's put up the end together.

I guess it's ironic. I just did the Gucci cologne ad, and I was the cologne thief in junior high.
James Franco

Watching DBSK and Super Junior brought me up to be a singer.

I hope we (Super Junior and E.L.F.) can be the one forever.

I was an amateur wrestler, which I loved. It was my passion, but I started really late; I was a junior in high school when I began.
Dave Bautista

You will be courteous to your elders who have explored to the point from which you may advance; and helpful to your juniors who will progress farther by reason of your labors.
Abbott Lawrence Lowell

My junior high was dreadful. I see a lot of my fellow alumni on America's Most Wanted.
Yancy Butler

Oh God," I said. "I'm Zmey's daughter. Zmey junior. Zmeyette, even.
Richelle Mead

Harvard gave me an education, but Junior Chamber gave me an education for life.
John F. Kennedy

I don't like the way Uncle Junior dresses. He loves it.
Dominic Chianese

It just meant a lot because it's something I've always wanted to do. I've always wanted to be a Senior National Champ. I was Junior National Champ in 2002, so now to be the senior champ is great.
Carly Patterson

My first show was when I was a high school freshman, but it was at the junior class dance. My older friend and bandmate booked it.
Frank Iero

I never felt like that in my life. I didn't know human beings played these instruments. I heard them in Chicago and Louisville and St. Louis all my life, you know? But I didn't know human beings played them, you know? So the next day I went to Coontz Junior High School and I started on sousaphone, tuba, B-flat baritone, E-flat alto, French horn, trombone.
Quincy Jones

I learned there's a big difference between juniors and the pros.
Maria Sharapova

Every single Asian dude who went to high school or junior high during the era of John Hughes movies was called 'Donger,'
Martin Wong

Junior colleges are high schools with ashtrays.
Adam Carolla

But even in elementary school and junior high, I was very interested in space and in the space program.
Sally Ride

I was maybe only 13 or 14 when I started to play junior tournaments.
Jana Novotna

I've never dated (casually). Ever. It's kind of weird. I did have a boyfriend in junior high who was a kleptomaniac. We'd leave stores and he'd come out with something for me.
Claire Danes

An incident that left an impression on me was the 1999 sub-junior national boxing championship held in Calcutta. I had trained extremely hard to get there but got kicked out in the first round itself. 'If others can win, why can't you?' I repeatedly asked myself.
Vijender Singh

I think Junior is certainly a science fiction premise as is Twins, as is Dave, beyond Ghostbusters.
Ivan Reitman

I can't see why we can't toss in a Junior Walker or Wilson Pickett number in every once in a while.
Jose Carreras

Admittedly, scientific authority is not distributed evenly throughout the body of scientists; some distinguished members of the profession predominate over others of a more junior standing.
Michael Polanyi

I always tend to think of all of my shows as possibly my last show. I'm like a junior Springsteen, without the underbite.
Dana Carvey

It took me time to adjust and to realise it was not going to happen like it did in the juniors.
Amelie Mauresmo

I know of only three people who really understand money. A professor at another university. One of my students. And a rather junior clerk at the Bank of England.
John Maynard Keynes

I was never a hundred percent comfortable with the women I was hanging with because I was afraid they'd find out that I'm still the same person I was in junior high. With Idina, I didn't have to be ashamed of the nerd inside that came out.
Taye Diggs

I was on the junior team when I was a freshman, that’s how good I was. But I wasn’t on my eighth-grade team, because some coach - some Grammy, some reviewer, some fashion person, some blah blah blah - they’re all the same as that coach.
Kanye West

No man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith...every man and woman must have the certificate of Joseph Smith, junior, as a passport to their entrance into the mansion where God and Christ are
Brigham Young

Yes," I said. "My name is seven-five-nine-nine-three-nine-ex-dash-one. Junior.
James Patterson

Junior told me once that he was very impressed by Jimi Hendrix, by the way he was very wild, and yet he was very controlled. He knew where everything was going in a solo, and he (Junior), I think tries for the same effect, and I think he hits it virtually every time.
Mitch Mitchell

I had a classic gym teacher in junior high who wore a weightlifter's belt all the time.
Danny McBride

Well, the film initially - we had decided to pair joy with fear because I don't know about you - for me fear was a major motivator in junior high. So we thought there's probably some good stuff there... As the film went on, we had developed all these great scenes that were really funny, but in the third act, it wasn't adding up to anything.
Pete Docter

Don't you touch me again. I will knock you out, junior!
Chris Jericho

I had a nickname in junior high, and I'm loathe to say this: 'potato lady.'
Rashida Jones