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Katie Couric Quotes

American television journalist, Birth: 7-1-1957 Katie Couric Quotes
Be fearless. Have the courage to take risks. Go where there are no guarantees. Get out of your comfort zone even if it means being uncomfortable. The road less traveled is sometimes fraught with barricades bumps and uncharted terrain. But it is on that road where your character is truly tested And have the courage to accept that you’re not perfect nothing is and no one is — and that’s OK.
Katie Couric

It's fine to be on the hamster wheel, running and running, trying to grab the brass ring or whatever you define as success, but your relationships, that's really all that matters when it's all said and done.
Katie Couric

Changing the world doesn't happen all at once. It isn't a big bang. It's an evolution, the sum of a billion tiny sparks. And some of those sparks will have to come from you.
Katie Couric

Be fearless. Have the courage to take risks. Go where there are no guarantees.
Katie Couric

If I hear the word 'perky' again, I'll puke.
Katie Couric

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Be bold, be humble, be brave, be resilient, be productive, be good, good to yourselves and good to each other. Be careful; be caring.
Katie Couric

I realized that whatever your path, whatever your calling, the most damaging thing you can do is let other voices define you and drown out your own. You've got to block them out and find that place deep inside you, shaken but still intact, and hold on to it.
Katie Couric

~I don't always have a lot of energy, but my kids almost always revitalize me. Of course like any working mom, sometimes I'm guilt-ridden. I think I should be sitting down doing an educational computer game with Carrie or taking Ellie to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. These kids are such sponges, and I should be taking advantage of that.~
Katie Couric

Quote Topics by Katie Couric: Thinking People Literature Inspirational Morning Jobs Kids Hair World Men Littles Blow Fun Running Television Talking News Heart Voice Unique Energy Educational President Tvs Self Confidence Daughter Personality Democracy That Moment Attitude
Sexism is so five minutes ago. I think for the most part, people accept that women are as competent as men.
Katie Couric

Dig deep and believe in yourself and have the self-confidence you need to forge ahead.
Katie Couric

I always say that I started in television when harassed was two words instead of one.
Katie Couric

[I am enthusiastic about journalism because] it's a craft that can ... galvanize an often complacent citizenry, and make a difference.
Katie Couric

The person I enjoyed interviewing the most was Elmo from Sesame Street because he is so unpredictable and he is always eating my hair and my face.
Katie Couric

The sooner you learn that life is not fair, the better off you'll be.
Katie Couric

A boat is always safe in the harbor, but that's not what boats are built for.
Katie Couric

There's nothing like being in the moment, even when that moment isn't captured or shared.
Katie Couric

You can't assume that kindness is an inherited trait. It is learned behavior.
Katie Couric

I feel like a human pinata. The disappointing thing is, no candy is going to spill out.
Katie Couric

When I made coffee and Xeroxed and distributed newspapers at ABC News, I thought my life was over.
Katie Couric

I've always tried to stay true to my authentic self.
Katie Couric

I think sometimes people project things on you, but I'm trying to handle everything that's happened to me with a certain amount of grace, dignity and good manners. You just can't necessarily win all the time.
Katie Couric

All three networks have always had a morning show but now cable of course is taking some of that audience away and a variety of other things, probably the Internet as well.
Katie Couric

And they like being able to turn on the television day in and day out to see someone that they know and they feel comfortable with and trust hopefully and respect even.
Katie Couric

I don't know the vast majority of you personally and it may sound kind of corny, but I really feel as if we've become friends through the years. And you've been with me during a lot of good times. And some very difficult ones... I can't tell you how grateful I am...
Katie Couric

He was always sort of a scrappy little kid wasn't he? A bit of a fighter?
Katie Couric

And I've always - the competition is one aspect of the job, but I think if you're too busy worrying about the competition, you don't focus enough on what you're doing.
Katie Couric

I beg. I call. I badger. I cajole. Part of the secret is everyone has fun and thats really motivating.
Katie Couric

And have the courage to accept that you're not perfect; nothing is, and no one is - and that's OK.
Katie Couric

Prepare yourself to be employable.
Katie Couric

I could announce one morning that the world was going to blow up in three hours and people would be calling in about my hair!
Katie Couric

Just had lunch with the president who seems pensive, slightly deflated, realistic, aggravated and resolute. Didn't eat his pie.
Katie Couric

That studies have shown that more people are getting up earlier, they're getting their news earlier. They're getting less sleep, getting up at earlier hours.
Katie Couric

He would take the blow so you didn't have to.
Katie Couric

I love the smell of estrogen in the morning.
Katie Couric

To think that one child would go to bed hungry somewhere in this country is heartbreaking... to know how many do is virtually incomprehensible. This is not only a problem that exists in the far reaches of the globe. It happens right here in our own backyard. Together, as concerned citizens, we must do more to make sure every child's needs are met.
Katie Couric

You can't please everyone, and you can't make everyone like you.
Katie Couric

I hope I have a little talent, but a lot of it was luck. I went through setbacks. People said I looked too young, people said I wasn't good, nobody said, 'Come here, baby, we're going to make you a star.' Early on, when I'd say, 'Can I do some anchoring?' people would look at me like I was crazy.
Katie Couric

I think it's dangerous if your goal in life is to get the other guy, then you're not going to be doing a really quality job yourself
Katie Couric

Some suggested over the weekend that it is wrong to expect Elian Gonzalez to live in a place that tolerates no dissent or freedom of political expression. They were talking about Miami.
Katie Couric

A less-than dream job can help you find your dreams.
Katie Couric

Sometimes I think change is a good thing.
Katie Couric

You know, you've got serious pieces, you've got light pieces, you've got cooking segments, you've got health-related topics, so it's not as if they've had a unique personality from the get-go.
Katie Couric

Nobody ever asks men about the work-life balance, and I just find that interesting, because clearly, I would imagine most men also want to be good fathers, and I'm sure they want to be good partners.
Katie Couric

Obviously I love doing newsmaker interviews, and if I can contribute in any way to that, I would love to. I love reporting, getting out in the field and talking to people about various issues.
Katie Couric

Misperceiving that there is one correct choice is a common mistake. Coming to understand that there are usually a few good choices--and then there's the one you pick, commit to, and make great--is the best way to make flexible, optimal, good decisions in life.
Katie Couric

What brought me into the TV business is what keeps me here and happy. You can learn something new every day if you have a really positive attitude.
Katie Couric

The media can be an instrument of change. It can maintain the status quo and reflect the views of the society or it can, hopefully, awaken people and change minds. I think it depends on who’s piloting the plane.
Katie Couric

It's these parallel universes when someone you love is sick. Your world is this completely foreign place involving radiation and tumor markers. Outside, people are buying sweaters.
Katie Couric

Now, if they're there to talk about something specifically, and I determine through my own editorial judgment, that another area isn't germane, or isn't an important part of it, that's something else. But we never agree to anything in advance, absolutely not.
Katie Couric

They see us interacting with people, they see us doing serious interviews, they see us having fun, and when you're conversing with someone, you get a much clearer impression of who that person is than if they are just reading into a news piece.
Katie Couric