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Kilts Quotes

Is there anything worn under the kilt? No, it's all in perfect working order.
Spike Milligan

Authors on Kilts Quotes: Gail Carriger Iman Shumpert Marc Jacobs Spike Milligan David Weber Marcus Brigstocke Steve Valentine Billy Connolly Margaret Thatcher Kanye West Ambrose Bierce Mitch Lucker Woodrow Wilson Samuel L. Jackson
KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.
Ambrose Bierce

If Freud had worn a kilt in the prescribed Highland manner he might have had a very different attitude to genitals.
Woodrow Wilson

I'm either the witch or Lady Macbeth of English politics, but someone gotta wear the pants in England when others wearing kilts
Margaret Thatcher

Jon Davis was a fan and came out on stage with us somewhere in the Midwest and came out in a Suicide Silence shirt and a kilt and did his thing.
Mitch Lucker

Scottish-Americans tell you that if you want to identify tartans, it's easy - you simply look under the kilt, and if it's a quarter-pounder, you know it's a McDonald's.
Billy Connolly

If you want something Scottish, go get yourself a kilt.
Marcus Brigstocke

Basically, I'm in a kilt and a white shirt every day. So, you know, I don't have a lot of scope, and I'm really picky about what I wear. Even if it's weird, it's very particular to me. And you can't make a business out of what I would wear. We'd be out of business.
Marc Jacobs

I did 'Formula 51' because I got to run around Liverpool in a kilt, with golf clubs.
Samuel L. Jackson

I always wanted to dress up like Darth Maul.So I designed my own kilt.
Iman Shumpert

I lost the accent years ago, but I'm still very proud to be Scottish, and I love wearing a kilt.
Steve Valentine

Scotsmen, she had occasion to observe, often did have nice knees. Perhaps that was why they insisted upon kilts.
Gail Carriger

The idea of Kanye and vanity are like, synonymous. But I've put myself in a lot of places where a vain person wouldn't put themselves in. Like what's vanity about wearing a kilt?
Kanye West

Ever since her trip with Alexia to Scotland, Mrs. Tunstell had rather a taste for foreign travel. Alexia blamed it on the kilts.
Gail Carriger

I designed it, the tailors wanted the kilt as a high joint but I wanted mine low like a Jedi.
Iman Shumpert

We will maintain heading until he's committed, then I want a hardskew-turn to starboard. As hard as you can make it, Chief. I want our starboard broadside on him as he passes below us, and then I want to cut down across his stern and stick it right up his kilt. Clear? (Honor Harrington)
David Weber