All books grow homilies by time; they are Temples, at once, and Landmarks.
Bill Vaughan
With theory, we can separate fundamental characteristics from fascinating idiosyncrasies and incidental features. Theory supplies landmarks and guideposts, and we begin to know what to observe and where to act.
John Henry Holland
Without spiritual landmarks, mankind wanders . . . Without the word of God, we walk in circles.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The life in which nothing happens goes the fastest, because it has no landmarks.
Katharine Tynan
And, unlike the earlier bombing on the World Trade Center, a major landmark and symbol of the strength of the financial world was, not just damaged but, totally destroyed.
Allen Klein
John Clare, in his poem To a Fallen Elm, makes the tree a selfmark as well as a landmark.
Tim Fulford
In a very basic way, a prominent landmark such as Mt. Holyoke tells you where you are. They let you know that you're not the first person in a place
Tracy Kidder
Hell changes constantly but there are certain consistent landmarks which always stay in the same relation to one another.
Grant Morrison
That movie, 'Airplane!,' what a landmark film it was. It's a great, great movie.
Jeff Bridges
Still when I lost her, I lost sight of any landmark that might have led me someplace happier, to some more populated or congenial life.
Donna Tartt