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Larry Speakes Quotes

American journalist, Death: 10-1-2014
If you tell the same story five times, it's true.
Larry Speakes

You don't tell us how to stage the news and we don't tell you how to cover it.
Larry Speakes

Those who talk don't know what is going on and those who know what is going on won't talk.
Larry Speakes

Rules for a White House Spokesman: No. 1 is always tell the truth. I've got only one currency, that's the truth. There are 10,000 ways to say "no comment," and I've used 9,999 of them. The second rule is don't be afraid to say, "I don't know." You may look dumb, but if you don't know you can't give them hot air because it always shows on your face.
Larry Speakes

I would dodge, not lie, in the national interest.
Larry Speakes

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Being a press secretary is like learning to type: You're hunting and pecking for a while and then you find yourself doing the touch system and don't realize it. You're speaking for the president without ever having to go to him.
Larry Speakes

Ol' Shoot from the Lip," we call him.
Larry Speakes