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Lasting Impressions Quotes

People will walk in and walk out of your life, but the one whose footstep made a long lasting impression is the one you should never allow to walk out.
Michael Bassey

'Individuals will come into and depart from your life, yet the one whose presence left an indelible mark is the one you should never let go.'
Authors on Lasting Impressions Quotes: Karl Philipp Moritz Tablo Pharrell Williams Marcia Brown Scott Weiss David Levithan Jeb Bush Sherrilyn Kenyon Alvin Ailey Michael Bassey Suzanne Collins Audre Lorde Monica Murphy Napoleon Hill Wilbur Smith
Every view, and every object I studied attentively, by viewing them again and again on every side, for I was anxious to make a lasting impression of it on my imagination.
Karl Philipp Moritz

My lasting impression of Truman Capote is that he was a terribly gentle, terribly sensitive, and terribly sad man.
Alvin Ailey

Anything with your name should leave a lasting impression!
Marcia Brown

Any trend that is developed too fast and is disposed right away is not going to have a lasting impression on the culture, you know?

It is a point that I repeat over and over again in teaching public speaking. It is not so much what you say as it is the tone and manner in which you say it that makes a lasting impression.
Napoleon Hill

Every woman I have ever known has made a lasting impression on my soul.
Audre Lorde

Funny how someone can come into your life for such a brief time but leave such a lasting impression.
Monica Murphy

Everything that we experience every day leaves a long-lasting impression.
Pharrell Williams

The first day, week and month of an employees experience carries a lasting impression.
Scott Weiss

If this continues, if this goes on, then when I die, your memories of me will be my greatest accomplishment. You memories will be my most lasting impressions.
David Levithan

Candidates are making lasting impressions on voters, not just primary voters, in how they campaign.
Jeb Bush

Everything that happens to us, good and bad, leaves a lasting impression in our souls. You take one part of that out, and you can completely rewrite something crucial about us. By and large, we're not shaped by the big things. It's the little, day-to-day moments that make us who we are. Who we're going to be. (Nekoda to Nick)
Sherrilyn Kenyon

I noticed just about every girl, but none of them made a lasting impression but you.
Suzanne Collins

Authors can only soft sell the environment. Create a wonderful story around the environment involving the characters that leaves a lasting impression on the reader's mind.
Wilbur Smith