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Lauryn Hill Quotes

American singer-songwriter, Birth: 26-5-1975 Lauryn Hill Quotes
We don't know love like we should. We always talk about 'I have unconditional love' unconditional love is... we don't even know it. Because if a person stops stimulating us, we stop loving them. You're not interesting to talk to anymore, goodbye. But that real love, that love that sometimes is difficult, difficult to have. That's that love. And that's a confidence builder.
Lauryn Hill

I consider myself a crayon... I may not be your favorite color but one day you'll need me to complete your picture.
Lauryn Hill

I perceive myself as a pigment... I may not be your favored hue but one day you'll require me to accomplish your image.
Let me be patient, let me be kind, make me unselfish, without being blind.
Lauryn Hill

Let me show forbearance, let me be compassionate, make me altruistic, without being naive.
We should always be aspiring to know more, and to better ourselves, and to improve ourselves. To improve ourselves, because that's how we improve the world around us, by working within us.
Lauryn Hill

We should perpetually seek to expand our knowledge, better ourselves, and make progress. To progress, since it is through personal advancement that we can bring about change in the world around us.
And deep in my heart. The answer, it was in me. And I made up my mind. To define my own destiny
Lauryn Hill

Within me, I knew the solution. Making a commitment to shape my own fate.
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Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem!
Lauryn Hill

'Don't be a stone when you truly are a jewel!'
If everyone is a product of this society, who will say the things that need to be said, and do the things that need to be done, without compromise? Truth will never start out popular in a world more concerned with marketability than righteousness. It will initially suffer ridicule and even violence - yet ultimately it is undeniable. All of humanity is living in a dream world, but suffering real consequences.
Lauryn Hill

Everything we do should be a result of our gratitude for what God has done for us.
Lauryn Hill

All of our actions should be an expression of thanks for God's blessings.
Quote Topics by Lauryn Hill: People Thinking Needs Reality Giving Rap Mother Trying Hip Hop Want Artist Heart Believe Knows Love Is Song Should Long Awards Black Real Media Tomorrow World Littles Successful Self Esteem Mean Practice Fall
Love is an incredible thing but we don't know love like we should. Unconditional love we don't know it because if a person stops stimulating us, we stop loving them.
Lauryn Hill

Adoration is an astonishing phenomenon but we don't understand its power as we ought to. Unreserved devotion we don't comprehend since if a person ceases to capture our interest, we no longer feel passionate about them.
Every day is a lesson in focus for me, and not buying into the world's concept of what you have to be. I really try every day to be individual and not just in my style or my look or my music, but in my approach to life.
Lauryn Hill

I am no longer going to become a fictional character to please people. That's too much work.
Lauryn Hill

I need to be surrounded by people as passionate and as dedicated as I am.
Lauryn Hill

To me that's a reflection of love, when someone can see you enjoying yourself, and want to participate, or want to encourage, or want to help you to do something that you enjoy.
Lauryn Hill

Loving you is like a Song I replay every 3 Minutes and 30 Seconds of every Day.
Lauryn Hill

Life is continued work. It's constant learning. The whole concept of retirement I don't even buy into. We should constantly be working. Maybe not physically working, but we could be spiritually, emotionally working toward bettering ourselves and bettering the lives of others around us.
Lauryn Hill

Whenever we submit our will to someone else’s opinion, a part of us dies
Lauryn Hill

It's silly when girls sell their souls because it's in.
Lauryn Hill

Be honest, brutally honest. That is what's going to maintain relationships.
Lauryn Hill

Once you compromise yourself in one way, you compromise yourself in another way. And you've just opened the door to compromise, mediocrity, settling.
Lauryn Hill

We can't plan life. All we can do is be available for it.
Lauryn Hill

I have inner peace. It's a different person.
Lauryn Hill

Now I may have faith/ to make mountains fall/ But if I lack love/ then I am nothin' at all
Lauryn Hill

I got Moxie, I'm so damn foxy Industry try to block me like cops and paparazzi.
Lauryn Hill

You might win some, but you just lost one.
Lauryn Hill

In my family, there was not an abundance of wealth, but there was an abundance of love. So there was always humor, and there was joy and there was comfort and there was this environment just to have a good time.
Lauryn Hill

A friend once said, and I found to be true,That everyday people, they lie to God too,So what makes you think, that they won't lie to you.
Lauryn Hill

If I'd known white people were going to buy my last album, I never would have recorded it.
Lauryn Hill

As long as I remember that the glory is His and not my own. When I confuse that, I get in trouble. We think that we glorify ourselves, and the object is to glorify God first, and in doing that you become glorified, you get glorified.
Lauryn Hill

Everybody has a choice. I am not here to shove my light down everybody's throat. For those who don't want it, I have nothing to defend.
Lauryn Hill

Let’s love ourselves, then we can’t fail, To make a better situation. Tomorrow, our seeds will grow, All we need is dedication!
Lauryn Hill

I think everything happens in time. There's a time for everything. There's a time to be in a group, and there's a time to be solo.
Lauryn Hill

See no one loves you more than me...and no one ever will
Lauryn Hill

It could all be so simple, but you'd rather make it hard, loving you is like a battle, and we both end up with scars
Lauryn Hill

A lot of us are too busy focusing on what we think people want to hear, as opposed to just saying what's in our hearts.
Lauryn Hill

I had to confront my fears and master my every demonic thought about inferiority, insecurity, or the fear of being black, young, and gifted in this Western culture.
Lauryn Hill

Never be afraid of not knowing. Find out.
Lauryn Hill

Wisdom is better than silver and gold
Lauryn Hill

Everything is everything What is meant to be, will be After winter, must come spring Change, it comes eventually
Lauryn Hill

See fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need. And I just retired from the fantasy part.
Lauryn Hill

Miscommunication leads to complication.
Lauryn Hill

Let me be patient, let me be kind, make me unselfish, without being blind, though I may suffer, I'll envy it not and endure what comes cause he is all that I got
Lauryn Hill

It's emotional warfare telling the people we love, the most, the truth about ourselves.
Lauryn Hill

The only help I need to live, is unprofessional. The only wealth I have to give, is not material. And if you need much more than that, I'm not available.
Lauryn Hill

We should constantly be aspiring to reach higher and higher and higher. We should never be comfortable where we are.
Lauryn Hill

Anything that is not growing is dead.
Lauryn Hill

It's more important to be righteous than to be right.
Lauryn Hill

That strong mother doesn't tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in.
Lauryn Hill

I get out, I get out of all your boxes. I get out, you can't hold me in these chains. I'll get out. Father free me from this bondage. Knowin' my condition is the reason I must change
Lauryn Hill

Consequence is no coincidence.
Lauryn Hill

Sometimes we all need to take time and give thanks.
Lauryn Hill