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Live In The Present Quotes

I always live in the present. The future I can't know. The past I no longer have.
Fernando Pessoa

Authors on Live In The Present Quotes: Ludwig Wittgenstein Eckhart Tolle Philip K. Jason Jonas Eriksson F. Scott Fitzgerald Henri Nouwen Shirley MacLaine Jacob Braude Amy Smart Dana Gould Marsilio Ficino Hank Green Dalai Lama Guillaume Apollinaire Stacy Keibler Nhat Hanh Ann Voskamp Darren Johnson Matt Costa Narendra Modi Gerard Depardieu Roger Ebert Isak Dinesen R. D. Laing Cinda Williams Chima Michael Dolan Fernando Pessoa Paul Palnik Jean-Louis Barrault Ruth Rendell Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington Rajneesh Brenda Ueland
He who lives in the present lives in eternity.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.
Isak Dinesen

I always live in the present. I never dream about what might happen. Why? It might not.
Fernando Torres

Never worry about anything. Live in the present. Live now. Be happy.
Marsilio Ficino

Surrender and living in the present are one and the same.
Mata Amritanandamayi

You live in the present and you eliminate things that don't matter. You don't carry the burden of the past.
Paulette Goddard

Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized.
Leo Buscaglia

The more you live in the present moment, the more the fear of death disappears.
Eckhart Tolle

You are so anxious about the future that you do not enjoy the present. You therefore do not live in the present or the future. You live as if you are never going to die, and then die having never really lived.
Dalai Lama

To live in the present moment is a miracle.
Nhat Hanh

The future belongs to the one most fully alive in the present.
Paul Palnik

If one understands eternity as timelessness, and not as an unending timespan, then whoever lives in the present lives for all time.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The absurd hero's refusal to hope becomes his singular ability to live in the present with passion.
Albert Camus

The eternal life is given to those who live in the present.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

I finally learned to live in the present and focus only on what I want rather than what I don't want.
Darren Johnson

Only one person in a thousand knows the trick of really living in the present.
Storm Jameson

I don't carry the burden of the past or the madness of the future. I live in the present.
Narendra Modi

Creative power flourishes only when I am living in the present.
Brenda Ueland

The ultimate in wisdom is to live in the present, plan for the future and profit from the past.
Jacob Braude

Who wants to live in the present? It's such a limiting period compared to the past.
Roger Ebert

To live in the present, we must deeply believe that what is most important is in the here and now.
Henri Nouwen

The hard part about living in the present is it forces you to abandon hope for the future. Thanks for nothing, now.
Dana Gould

Suffering needs time. It cannot survive in the now.
Eckhart Tolle

Nobody really lives in the present.
Ruth Rendell

I don't think you go out of style when you're living in the present most of the time. And I think that is what I do.
Shirley MacLaine

I really tried to go for that sound of the '60s pop melodies but I'm living in the present so that makes it contemporary. I like to pretend I'm outside of myself and that is what the recordings and the process helped me to do.
Matt Costa

I'm living in the present. I have no ambition. It's true. But I want to live.
Gerard Depardieu

To live in the past or in the future may be less satisfying than to live in the present, but it can never be as disillusioning.
R. D. Laing

The memories you have are just recordings of things past, not chains to bind you.
Michael Dolan

I live in the present because the future is always chancy. When it comes to being with you, I'm willing to take the risk.
Cinda Williams Chima

You have to wake up a virgin each morning.
Jean-Louis Barrault

Zen lives in the present. The Whole teaching is: how to be in the present; how to get out of the past which is no more and how not to get involved in the future which is not yet, and just to be rooted, centered, in that which is.

Wit lives in the present, but genius survives the future.
Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington

We think we're living in the present, but we're really living in the past.
John Banville

Living in the present is the way to go.
Renee Marino

But you have to live in the present. You have to take the old and make it new -- that's my point.
Lauren Myracle

Live in the present as if the future is going to become the past that you have changed.
Philip K. Jason

It is youth’s felicity as well as its insufficiency that it can never live in the present, but must always be measuring up the day against its own radiantly imagined future
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Make life easier by living in the present and believing in the future.
Jonas Eriksson

The best gift we can have is living in the present moment and really enjoying it for what it is; and, not being in our heads and getting sidetracked.
Amy Smart

I also live in the present, due to the constraints of the space-time continuum.
Hank Green

I live in the #‎ present moment.
Stacy Keibler

We cannot carry our father's corpse with us everywhere we go.
Guillaume Apollinaire

Wherever you are, be all there." I have lived the runner, panting ahead in worry, pounding back in regrets, terrified to live in the present, because here-time asks me to do the hardest of all: just open wide and receive.
Ann Voskamp