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Louis Farrakhan Quotes

American religious leader, Birth: 11-5-1933 Louis Farrakhan Quotes
Work hard to discover your gift and you will never envy or hate another human being who is manifesting theirs.
Louis Farrakhan

Strive diligently to uncover your talent and you will never feel jealous or resentful of another person expressing theirs.
The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.
Louis Farrakhan

So unless we come together as a people and stop our foolish beefing among each other, sit down like intelligent men and women and settle the things that divide us from each other, then come together like a solid wall and we could make something happen.
Louis Farrakhan

There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth, unless someone rises up to tell you the truth.
Louis Farrakhan

There can be no tranquility without equity. There can be no equity unless accuracy is present. And there can be no accuracy, until someone stands up to impart the facts.
I'm not trying to put our women on a pedestal that they don't deserve to be on. No man is a "man" without a woman: It's a woman that helps the man to be a man.
Louis Farrakhan

I'm not attempting to build up our women beyond what is deserved. No male is complete without a female: It's a female that encourages the man to be his best self.
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We are all gifted, but we have to discover the gift, uncover the gift, nurture and develop the gift and use it for the Glory of God and for the liberation struggle of our people.
Louis Farrakhan

'We are all endowed with special abilities, yet we must locate them, cultivate them, hone them and put them to use for the Honor of God and the battle for our people's freedom.'
God will destroy America by the hands of the Muslims. God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.
Louis Farrakhan

God will annihilate America through the Muslims. He will not grant Japan or Europe the distinction of eradicating the United States; this is a recognition God will confer upon Muslims.
You must recognize that the way to get the good out of your brother and your sister is not to return evil for evil.
Louis Farrakhan

Acknowledge that retaliating negatively will not bring out the best in your siblings.
Quote Topics by Louis Farrakhan: People Men America Black War Believe Giving White Children Brother Thinking Evil Community World Country Fighting Islam Party Years Iran Running Mean Religious Struggle Justice Order Prayer Islamic Leader Hands
Never exalt people because they're in your family; never exalt people because they're your color; never exalt people because they're your kinfolk. Exalt them because they're worthy.
Louis Farrakhan

Do not laud individuals simply because they share your familial connections, ethnicity, or lineage; bestow praise only when it is deserved.
The people are drugged with religion; and that's why the elites - who understand that it is just a ritual, and understand the truth of it but won't teach the truth of it to awaken the masses of the people: so, the leaders live in luxury at the expense of the weak, at the expense of the poor.
Louis Farrakhan

There is no one right now in my judgment that can unite the Black electorate in such a way to present our agenda to a nominee to have them forthrightly address our concerns.
Louis Farrakhan

White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet.
Louis Farrakhan

The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn't a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I'm not proud of Hitler's evils against Jewish people, but that's a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there's a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing.
Louis Farrakhan

The suffering of our people is greater than our differences. We are not yet free at last, so there is work to be done.
Louis Farrakhan

I am giving them a Warning and a Guidance from God to help them to do that which will save America. And I warn them that these calamities are going to increase now in severity so America might humble herself to that call of God to let the Black man and woman go. It is the time that we should separate to go free and that America should provide us with land and implements that would allow us to build a future for ourselves - for they have proved to be disagreeable to live with in peace.
Louis Farrakhan

President Barack Obama couldn't bring everything into existence through Congress. Because from the day that he was elected president of the United States, the United States Congress, many of the Republicans met, and they declared that they would never allow his legislative program to succeed. And for eight years they fought him.
Louis Farrakhan

And I hope that five years and 10 years from now, I'll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity.
Louis Farrakhan

But when I reintroduced the Nation of Islam, and began to host meetings in cities and thousands and thousands of people come out.
Louis Farrakhan

A man that doesn't have a woman doesn't know if he is one (a "man").
Louis Farrakhan

When your mind is focused and made up you don't make excuses. You try. If you fail you try again.
Louis Farrakhan

I loved Elijah Muhammad with a love that I can't adequately describe.
Louis Farrakhan

Everything that I'm attempting to do is based on my understanding of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and what he wanted for his people.
Louis Farrakhan

Because wherever I am today, I still owe it to God and I owe it to two men - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X and of course, two very special women, my mother and my wife.
Louis Farrakhan

Black leadership has to recognize that principles more than speech, character more than a claim, is greater in advancing the cause of our liberation than what has transpired thus far.
Louis Farrakhan

Let the Black man go - stop lying to us that you love us. And if you really love us, let us go and give us some of this territory that we can call our own; and give us the billions of dollars that we can get started with land and with tractors and the things that will make us an independent nation.
Louis Farrakhan

He who gives you the diameter of your knowledge,presc ribes the circumference of your activities.
Louis Farrakhan

If we can reform the man and make him a better man and a God-fearing man, then we have a chance, we believe, to build a better world.
Louis Farrakhan

A wise man who has the moment in his hand should not let that moment slip.
Louis Farrakhan

A woman will test you to see if you are what you say you are. Any woman that you fall in love with: She loves you too, but she's going to try you; that's her nature. She has to know that she can depend on you; she has to know that you will stand up for her. She has to know that you will back up the children that she brings in the world for us.
Louis Farrakhan

Most presidents have been controlled by forces that control money and special interests. When Donald Trump refused their money, he refused their control. This made him dangerous.
Louis Farrakhan

Every Cuban has a house to live in, no matter how meager. That house is provided by government. Every Cuban who gets sick can go to a doctor or a hospital and get medical attention while 45 million Americans don't have medical insurance. Every Cuban can get education from the kindergarten through college and they don't have to pay. What is Castro doing that we might benefit from-if we are not too arrogant and falsely proud to see what he is doing in a small nation and what we have not been able to do or not been willing to do in the greatest nation on the earth?
Louis Farrakhan

White people are getting more and more angry every day, Donald Trump was elected that the mask of civility - like an onion peeling - is being peeled off. Now naked hatred, not only in word but in deed, is being openly shown to us.
Louis Farrakhan

They call them terrorists, I call them freedom fighters.
Louis Farrakhan

Our lips are full of praise, but our hearts are far removed from the prophets we all claim. That’s why the world is in the shape that it’s in.
Louis Farrakhan

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said when the children of Israel rebelled against Moses and Aaron and did not want to leave their slavemaster to build an independent nation of their own under the guidance of God, God chastised them with fiery serpents and cockatrices. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad asked me one day, "do you know what it means fiery serpents"? I said, "no sir." He said, "It means angry White people."
Louis Farrakhan

A decree of death has been passed on America. The judgment of God has been rendered, and she must be destroyed.
Louis Farrakhan

I found the speech, after listening to it in context, vile in manner, repugnant, malicious, mean-spirited and spoken in mockery of individuals and people, which is against the spirit of Islam. While I stand by the truths that he spoke, I must condemn in the strongest terms the manner in which those truths were represented.
Louis Farrakhan

America must be burned! America is no good at all.
Louis Farrakhan

First thing we have to do is recognize the time. We're at the end of the time of the White world to dominate Black people and Original People all over the planet.Can't you see that the God of justice is whipping the hell out of America with the storms, with floods, with hell, with hurricanes, with tornadoes; can't you see that things are happening? The clouds of war are gathering. Donald Trump is the right man in the right place in the White House for White people at the time of the end of their power to rule over us. He's going to bring it on.
Louis Farrakhan

There never has been a desire on the part of the government that the struggle of Black people in America should be linked to the struggle of our people in every part of the earth. Every leader that was international in scope and in reach became the target of the government - Paul Robeson, Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. DuBois, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Kwame Ture and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Any Black leader who would try to connect us to our brothers and sisters in Africa and Asia were seen as a threat and became a target.
Louis Farrakhan

Murder and lying comes easy for white people.
Louis Farrakhan

I can't tell Black people to fight a war that is Israel's war. What kind of leader will you be, or should I be, to allow these babies Black, white and brown, to fight Israel's war, because Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system.
Louis Farrakhan

Another method (of depopulation) is disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS, which are race targeting weapons. There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.
Louis Farrakhan

Overall, the challenge of leadership is both moral and one of developing the characteristics that make us respected by one another.
Louis Farrakhan

The enemy has always been able to point the finger of suspicion and/or guilt to Black leaders that they are enriching themselves at the expense of the people.
Louis Farrakhan

When they say [Donald Trump] is not "presidential": I asked myself what does it mean to be "presidential"? You wear a suit; you talk to the American people like you possess the character and the dignity of one who seeks the highest office in the land, and behind the door you're the worst criminal on the planet, plotting the overthrow of nations and governments, and regime change, and sending drones to kill people you don't like? That's presidential.
Louis Farrakhan

My god will wipe this country (America) from the face of the earth.
Louis Farrakhan

It appears that there is a genocidal plan against Black people.
Louis Farrakhan

You can't prevent World War III. You don't have any juice. In fact, World War III will free you. ... Your time has come.
Louis Farrakhan

However, those who have used those words use half the sentence to fit their purpose, which, of course, I believe is to discredit me and the new Nation of Islam that has come up around me.
Louis Farrakhan