Always have the highest bar for yourself. Wake up everyday and no matter how crappy you feel, want to change something for the better. Do something that makes someone happy. Create something that inspires someone. Be someone's light when they are hopeless.
Dave Grohl
Make someone happy,
Make just one someone happy,
And you will be happy, too.
Jimmy Durante
If you're trying to make someone happy, you gotta try and make them happy.
Jonah Hill
When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start to feel the most beautiful person in the world.
Angelina Jolie
If you're trying to make someone happy, you gotta try and make them happy. If you're trying to have a normal conversation, you've got to have a normal conversation. If you're trying to make them sad, you've got to make them sad. I think that's how you get real performances out of people.
Jonah Hill
In the world of love, it takes more than love to make someone happy
Fuyumi Soryo