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Margaret Whiting Quotes

American singer (d. 2011), Birth: 22-7-1924, Death: 10-1-2011
Johnny Mercer was my father's best friend and became mine as well. And Harold Arlen, whom I would call Uncle Harry, and Harry Warren: those were ones who I really became close to.
Margaret Whiting

So many schools have cut the music classes out of their curriculum. We're trying to fill that gap by teaching the teachers how to educate the kids about their musical heritage.
Margaret Whiting

The musicians recommend that I sing a sing the way it is written the first time and then start to look for other notes that aren't in the melody.
Margaret Whiting

The way I teach people to sing... I have them talk the lyric out until it sounds like something they really believe, like an actor with a monologue.
Margaret Whiting

[On the premiere of a dull show:] I've seen more excitement at the opening of an umbrella.
Margaret Whiting

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I had years of experience that I still needed to accumulate and go through.
Margaret Whiting

Doris Day was such a big movie and TV star, people overlooked her singing. The proof is in the package. She's one of the best singers there ever was.
Margaret Whiting

That's really what was wonderful for me growing up, since I got to know so many of the songwriters who liked me and thought I had talent. They would then tell me how to read a lyric and sing a song, and challenge me to try and find a different end to a song.
Margaret Whiting