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Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes

Nassim Nicholas Taleb Quotes
Doctors most commonly get mixed up between absence of evidence and evidence of abense
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

A Stoic is someone who transforms fear into prudence, pain into transformation, mistakes into initiation, and desire into undertaking.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

For many people, commuting is the worst part of the day, and policies that can make commuting shorter and more convenient would be a straightforward way to reduce minor but widespread suffering.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Decomposition, for most, starts when they leave the free, social, and uncorrupted college life for the solitary confinement of professions and nuclear families.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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People used to wear ordinary clothes weekdays, and formal attire on Sunday. Today it is the exact reverse.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Democracies can't handle austerity measures very well.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

They are born, put in a box; they go home to live in a box; they study by ticking boxes; they go to what is called "work" in a box, where they sit in their cubicle box; they drive to the grocery store in a box to buy food in a box; they talk about thinking "outside the box"; and when they die they are put in a box.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Quote Topics by Nassim Nicholas Taleb: People Thinking Risk Errors Ideas Doe Information Needs Mistake Men Want Mean Book Opposites Knowledge May Trying Fool World Suffering Looks Government Long School Odds Matter Writing Events Use Real
Missing a train is only painful if you run after it! Likewise, not matching the idea of success others expect from you is only painful if that’s what you are seeking.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Someone bemoaned that there were so few women in economics. But there are also very few men in economics.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Love without sacrifice is like theft
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Avoid losers. If you hear someone use the words 'impossible', 'never', 'too difficult' too often, drop him or her from your social network.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Someone who says "I am busy" is either declaring incompetence (and lack of control of his life) or trying to get rid of you.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Karl Marx, a visionary, figured out that you can control a slave much better by convincing him he is an employee.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

If there is something in nature you don't understand, odds are it makes sense in a deeper way that is beyond your understanding. So there is a logic to natural things that is much superior to our own. Just as there is a dichotomy in law: 'innocent until proven guilty' as opposed to 'guilty until proven innocent', let me express my rule as follows: what Mother Nature does is rigorous until proven otherwise; what humans and science do is flawed until proven otherwise.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg didn't finish college. Too much emphasis is placed on formal education - I told my children not to worry about their grades but to enjoy learning.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

If you have more than one reason to do something (choose a doctor or veterinarian, hire a gardener or an employee, marry a person, go on a trip), just don’t do it. It does not mean that one reason is better than two, just that by invoking more than one reason you are trying to convince yourself to do something. Obvious decisions (robust to error) require no more than a single reason.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

A competitive athlete is painful to look at; trying hard to become an animal rather than a man, he will never be as fast as a cheetah or as strong as an ox.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Umberto Eco is the owner of a large personal library of almost 30,000 books that he has not read. [To him] read books are far less valuable than unread ones.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Your reputation is harmed the most by what you say to defend it.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Answer e-mails from junior people before more senior ones. Junior people have further to go and tend to remember who slighted them.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Social science means inventing a certain brand of human we can understand.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Don't cross a river if it is four feet deep on average.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Few understand that procrastination is our natural defense, letting things take care of themselves and exercise their antifragility; it results from some ecological or naturalistic wisdom, and is not always bad - at an existential level, it is my body rebelling against its entrapment. It is my soul fighting the Procrustean bed of modernity.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The traits I respect are erudition and the courage to stand up when half-men are afraid for their reputation. Any idiot can be intelligent.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The central idea in The Black Swan is that: rare events cannot be estimated from empirical observation since they are rare.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

They think that intelligence is about noticing things are relevant (detecting patterns); in a complex world, intelligence consists in ignoring things that are irrelevant (avoiding false patterns)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Intelligence consists in ignoring things that are irrelevant.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

People are much less interested in what you are trying to show them than what you are trying to hide.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Academia is to knowledge what prostitution is to love.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Hard work will get you a professorship or a BMW. You need both work and luck for a Booker, a Nobel or a private jet.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Only in recent history has "working hard" signaled pride rather than shame for lack of talent, finesse and, mostly, sprezzatura .
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Never, never, never think - that's one lesson you should have in life. Never think that lack of variability is stability.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

People focus on role models; it is more effective to find antimodels - people you don't want to resemble when you grow up
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

History is opaque. You see what comes out, not the script that produces events, [...] The generator of historical events is different from the events themselves, much as the minds of the gods cannot be read just by witnessing their deeds.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Learn to fail with pride - and do so fast and cleanly. Maximise trial and error - by mastering the error part.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

It is a sign of weakness to avoid showing signs of weakness.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Life is a tightrope between two errors: generalizing the wrong particular and particularizing the wrong general.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

You exist if and only if you are free to do things without a visible objective, with no justification and, above all, outside the dictatorship of someone else's narrative.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Anything that provides you with very, very stable income, very stable conditions, maybe generally stable, that often, it masks real risks, risks of blow-ups.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

When you develop your opinions on the basis of weak evidence, you will have difficulty interpreting subsequent information that contradicts these opinions, even if this new information is obviously more accurate.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

What I learned on my own I still remember
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

...maximize the serendipity around you.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

This is the tragedy of modernity: as with neurotically overprotective parents, those trying to help are often hurting us the most.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Wittgenstein's ruler: Unless you have confidence in the ruler's reliability, if you use a ruler to measure a table you may also be using the table to measure the ruler.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Go to parties. You can't even start to know what you may find on the envelope of serendipity. If you suffer from agoraphobia, send colleagues.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

To succeed in life requires a total inability to do anything that makes you uncomfortable when you look at yourself in the mirror.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Comfort makes you weaker. We need some variability, some stressors. Not too much, but just enough.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb