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Nhs Quotes

The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with faith to fight for it
Aneurin Bevan

The NHS will endure as long as those who believe in it continue to strive for its preservation.
Authors on Nhs Quotes: Michael Gove Benedict Cumberbatch Aneurin Bevan Margaret Thatcher Stephen Hawking Alesha Dixon John Newman Nick Clegg Andy Burnham Donald Berwick Frank Bruno David Hockney Liz Kendall Frank Dobson Simon Hoggart Clive James Lucy Powell Sophie Ellis Bextor Boris Johnson Liam Fox
No amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.
Aneurin Bevan

No amount of flattery, enticement, or attempts at moral or social persuasion can remove from within me a vehement loathing for the Tory Party. As far as I am concerned, they are more contemptible than pests.
I will take all the steps necessary to give the NHS at least another £100million per week by 2020.
Michael Gove

I am romantic about the NHS. I love it.
Donald Berwick

I worked in the NHS as a hospital orderly during my national service, and people thought it was a noble service. But over the years it's lost its humanity.
David Hockney

The present system of protecting NHS patients was a bit of a shambles.
Frank Dobson

I think people in England take things for granted, we complain about our NHS system and yes it's not perfect but believe me it's far better than what they've got here.
Alesha Dixon

Government has got to invest more money in our NHS. The people who work in it are heroic. They do an amazing job.
Michael Gove

People might have said we were scaremongering. But here we are: the Competition Commission is intervening, for the first time, in the NHS, to block the sensible collaboration between two NHS hospitals. They can no longer deny it, it’s absolutely clear.
Andy Burnham

It's become unfashionable to celebrate political achievement, and Labour achievement even less so. And it's positively uncouth to be proud of something that this Labour government is doing. So, slam me for saying so, but I'm really proud of the NHS.
Lucy Powell

The National Health Service is safe with us. The principle of adequate healthcare should be provided for all regardless of ability to pay must be the function of any arrangements for financing the NHS. We stand by that.
Margaret Thatcher

Let's make it clear: the Conservative Party has no plans for new NHS charges.
Margaret Thatcher

You are more likely to be treated by a migrant in the NHS than you are to be behind them in the queue.
Liz Kendall

Anyone who works in the NHS has superpowers. It's a miracle, it is magic.
Benedict Cumberbatch

The NHS is a bit iffy when you sprain an ankle, but when it's a high-priority issue, it's fantastic. They don't mess about. They're incredibly efficient when things go wrong.
Sophie Ellis Bextor

Doctors and nurses do crazy hours and keep an ideal afloat through the love and care that they have for their craft and their patients and the institution of the NHS. We should be very proud of it.
Benedict Cumberbatch

I wouldnt be here today if it were not for the NHS, I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived.
Stephen Hawking

People realise that his promise [Tony Blair's] to 'save the NHS' was just talk.
Liam Fox

I care more about getting this right [NHS reform] than I do about getting it done.
Nick Clegg

I feel like awareness needs to grow. It's becoming a very common thing. I think we have a very strong NHS and healthcare system that needs more support through all this political nonsense that we're going through.
John Newman

If your brain's not right they have good people at the NHS to help you fix it and talk to and counselling to calm you down and to focus you.
Frank Bruno

One of the virtues of the NHS... it doesn't worry you about money at the moment when you're least capable of doing anything about it.
Clive James

The promise to use the money we currently send to Brussels and invest it instead on the priorities of the British people - principally in the NHS - and to cut VAT on domestic fuel. With my leadership, it will be delivered.
Michael Gove

There are few tribes more loathsome than the American Right, and their vicious use of the shortcomings in the NHS to attack Barack Obama's attempts at health reform are a useful reminder.
Simon Hoggart

The crucial thing is to look in an informed way at what's going on. Look at the way in which we are forced by our imbalanced system to push away people who might contribute mightily to the NHS.
Boris Johnson

Our most important public service will always be the NHS. And I want to say something clear and unambiguous about the future of the health service.
Michael Gove