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Nick Saban Quotes

American football player and coach, Birth: 31-10-1951 Nick Saban Quotes
There are two pains in life. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of disappointment. If you can handle the pain of discipline, then you'll never have to deal with the pain of disappointment.
Nick Saban

There are two forms of suffering in life. There is the distress of self-control and the anguish of disillusionment. If you can endure the hardship of self-discipline, then you will never have to confront the agony of disappointment.
It's not human nature to be great. It's human nature to survive, to be average and do what you have to do to get by. That is normal. When you have something good happen, it's the special people that can stay focused and keep paying attention to detail, working to get better and not being satisfied with what they have accomplished.
Nick Saban

The process is really what you have to do day in and day out to be successful, we try to define the standard that we want everybody to sort of work toward, adhere to, and do it on a consistent basis. And the things that I talked about before, being responsible for your own self-determination, having a positive attitude, having great work ethic, having discipline to be able to execute on a consistent basis, whatever it is you're trying to do, those are the things that we try to focus on, and we don't try to focus as much on the outcomes as we do on being all that you can be.
Nick Saban

Success doesn't come from pie-in-the-sky thinking. It's the result of consciously doing something each day that will add to your overall excellence.
Nick Saban

Achievement does not originate from unrealistic expectations. It is the consequence of actively doing something on a daily basis that will improve your overall excellence.
Becoming a champion is not an easy process... It is done by focusing on what it takes to get there and not on getting there.
Nick Saban

Achieving success is not a simple task... It requires dedication to the efforts needed to reach that goal and not solely on reaching it.
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We create a standard for how we want to do things and everybody's got to buy into that standard or you really can't have any team chemistry. Mediocre people don't like high-achievers and high-achievers don't like mediocre people.
Nick Saban

What happened yesterday is history. What happens tomorrow is a mystery. What we do today makes a difference - the precious present moment.
Nick Saban

Yesterday has passed, tomorrow is unknown, and the present moment is invaluable- that's what shapes our destiny.
I think everybody should take the attitude that we're working to be a champion, that we want to be a champion in everything that we do. Every choice, every decision, everything that we do every day, we want to be a champion.
Nick Saban

Quote Topics by Nick Saban: Team Thinking People Winning Focus Player Successful Football Play Care Games Opportunity Differences Athlete Champion Kids Attitude Goal Sky Able Yesterday Sports Mediocre School Being Successful College Determination Decision Nfl Who You Are
We're not going to talk about what we're going to accomplish, we're going to talk about how we're going to do it.
Nick Saban

'Rather than discussing our objectives, let's focus on the methods to reach them.'
One thing about championship teams is that they're resilient. No matter what is thrown at them, no matter how deep the hole, they find a way to bounce back and overcome adversity.
Nick Saban

Live by the creed that a strong work ethic, playing by the rules, and doing things the right way will bring about opportunities for success and, ultimately, happiness.
Nick Saban

Adhere to the principle that hard work, adhering to regulations, and doing things properly will bring forth chances of achievement and, eventually, contentment.
Focus on the process of what it takes to be successful.
Nick Saban

Concentrate on the steps necessary for achievement.
We have three kinds of guys on our team. We have guys that get it; they play good; they understand how to play winning football. We have some guys that are trying to get it, and they are working hard every day? We are supporting them, and we want the guys that have it to support them. Then we have some guys that don't get it and don't know that they don't get it. We are trying to replace them. We only have a couple left.
Nick Saban

Mediocre people hate high achievers, and high achievers hate mediocre people.
Nick Saban

'Those who strive for success are disdained by those content with mediocrity, and those content with mediocrity are scorned by those striving for success.'
I don’t care what you did yesterday. If you’re happy with that, you have bigger problems.
Nick Saban

'I'm not concerned with what happened in the past. If you're content with that, you have deeper issues.'
Your character is your accumulation of your thoughts, habits and priorities on a day-to-day basis.
Nick Saban

Your character is the sum of your daily musings, routines and priorities.
We have got to use every opportunity to improve individually so we can improve collectively.
Nick Saban

We must take advantage of every chance to enhance ourselves so we can boost our collective.
You can't win together if you don't work together.
Nick Saban

'Collaboration is key to success.'
People who are role models for the principles and values of the organization, who buy in and understand the vision of what the organization is trying to accomplish, and have the personality to inspire other people to the vision. You know, that’s what team chemistry and leadership is all about.
Nick Saban

Be all you can be in whatever you choose to do. The sky is the limit, so go for it. And do not create any self-imposed limitations.
Nick Saban

Maximize your potential in any venture you pursue. There is no ceiling to what you can achieve, so don't be afraid to aim high and never set boundaries for yourself.
Eliminate the clutter and all the things that are going on outside and focus on the things that you can control with how you sort of go about and take care of your business. That's something that's ongoing, and it can never change.
Nick Saban

The formula for success is every guy can make a difference for the entire team in whatever his role is. And to do it right, to get it right, is a critical factor in being successful.
Nick Saban

The key to achievement lies in each individual's capacity to contribute positively to the collective effort, regardless of their assigned role, and to execute it competently.
There is no continuum for success. Focus on the progress, not the results.
Nick Saban

Focus on the journey, not the destination.
I'm tired of hearing all this talk from people who don't understand the process of hard work-like little kids in the back seat asking 'Are we there yet?' Get where you're going 1 mile-marker at a time.
Nick Saban

The more one emphasizes winning, the less he or she is able to concentrate on what actually causes success.
Nick Saban

The more one focuses on victory, the less one is able to focus on what leads to triumph.
Anyone who doesn't win their conference has no business playing in the national championship game.
Nick Saban

Be on time because it shows you care.
Nick Saban

Discipline is not punishment. Discipline is changing someone’s behavior.
Nick Saban

Now, everybody always says there's no 'I' in team, but there is an 'I' in win, because the individuals make the team what it is, and how they think and what they do is important to the team. So when you act like the individual is not important, well, it is damn important who these people are and what they are.
Nick Saban

If you don't get result-oriented with the kids, you can focus on the things in the process that are important to them being successful.
Nick Saban

The number one thing on any team that will keep your players from being selfish is respect for the other players.
Nick Saban

I asked my priest if it was a sin to play golf on Sunday. And he said, "It's a sin for you to play anytime."
Nick Saban

Every choice, every decision, everything we do everyday, we want to be a champion
Nick Saban

To be a great player, you have to affect the entire unit.
Nick Saban

When you invest your time, you make a goal and a decision of something that you want to accomplish. Whether it's make good grades in school, be a good athlete, be a good person, go down and do some community service and help somebody who's in need, whatever it is you choose to do, you're investing your time in that.
Nick Saban

A good process produces good results.
Nick Saban

We have to compete within ourselves relative to the determination it takes to be successful.
Nick Saban

It doesn’t matter what you are ranked until the end.
Nick Saban

Do what you do and be who you are.
Nick Saban

When you play against good people, that's when you focus your concentration. Your sense of urgency to be disciplined in your execution all become more critical. Sometimes you get away with doing things not quite right against lesser competition, but when you play against real good people that's when it shows up.
Nick Saban

Teaching is the ability to inspire learning.
Nick Saban

Mediocre people don't like high achievers and high achievers don't like mediocre people.
Nick Saban

You can't get from A to Z by passing up B.
Nick Saban

I don't think it's about who you play, I think it's about who you are.
Nick Saban

I’ve never considered joining Twitter, nor do I know why anybody would.
Nick Saban

In the NFL you get one first-round draft pick if you're lucky. You couldn't really outwork anybody else. In college I could recruit ten players with first-round talent every year.
Nick Saban

The roster that we have today may change tomorrow. It is what it is for right now.
Nick Saban

Any team that does not win it's conference championship game should not play in the BCS title game
Nick Saban

It's about how the players play and compete. I know everybody is going to equate that on winning or losing, like they always do, but if we play hard and compete well in the game .. then I think we are building on something.
Nick Saban

I don't control what people put on dot-com or anything else. So I'm just telling you there's no significance, in my opinion, about this, about me, about any interest that I have in anything other than being the coach here.
Nick Saban