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No Patience Quotes

I have no patience at all.
Alan Sugar

Authors on No Patience Quotes: Thomas Carlyle Tupac Shakur Baltasar Gracian Maira Kalman Alan Sugar Nicholas Royle Ali ibn Abi Talib Mark Shields Sarah Waters Masashi Kishimoto
I have no patience for anybody who doubts me, none at all.
Tupac Shakur

Patience to faith is like the head to the body. The person who has no patience has not faith.
Ali ibn Abi Talib

There's no advantage to hurrying through life." -Shikamaru Nara
Masashi Kishimoto

Let him that hath no power of patience retire within himself, though even there he will have to put up with himself.
Baltasar Gracian

I have many questions, but no patience to think them through.
Maira Kalman

I have no patience whatever with these gorilla damnifications of humanity.
Thomas Carlyle

I have no patience with up-themselves authors who complain about having to trail round a few bookshops signing stock.
Nicholas Royle

Lee Atwater,[Ronald] Reagan's strategist, had no patience for CPAC, because he thought they were sort of wild and immature, basically.
Mark Shields

There is no patience so terrible as that of the deranged.
Sarah Waters