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Obscurity Quotes

I would rather live a short life of glory than a long one of obscurity.
Alexander the Great

I would rather experience a brief yet illustrious life than an extended one of insignificance.
Authors on Obscurity Quotes: Tim O'Reilly Robert A. Heinlein Aesop Alexander Hamilton Quintilian Blaise Pascal Ovid Samuel Johnson Alexander Pope Plautus Protagoras Luc de Clapiers Cory Doctorow Marcel Proust Peabo Bryson Tom Stoppard Martin Luther King, Jr. Austin Kleon Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire Erika M. Anderson Larry Wall Taylor Caldwell Joss Whedon James Kern Feibleman Nicolas Chamfort Dan Simmons Robert Reich Ludwig Feuerbach William Shenstone Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Charlotte Bronte Adrienne Rich Nelson Goodman
It is human nature to instinctively rebel at obscurity or ordinariness.
Taylor Caldwell

But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.
George Eliot

Many things prevent knowledge, including the obscurity of the subject and the brevity of human life

Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage, one is helpless to make oneself understood.
Lionel Trilling

Art will never come except from some small disregarded corner where an isolated and inspired man is studying the mysteries of nature.
Jean-Francois Millet

I'm afraid of losing my obscurity. Genuineness only thrives in the dark. Like celery.
Aldous Huxley

Piracy is not the problem, obscurity is.
Seth Godin

There is enough light for those who only desire to see, and enough obscurity for those who have a contrary disposition
Blaise Pascal

The problem for most artists isn't piracy, it's obscurity.
Tim O'Reilly

Avoid an unusual and unfamiliar word just as you would a reef.
Julius Caesar

A man will work and slave in obscurity for ten years and then become famous in ten minutes.
Robert Ripley

Well has he lived who has lived well in obscurity.

As touching the gods, I do not know whether they exist or not, nor how they are featured; for there is much to prevent our knowing: the obscurity of the subject and the brevity of human life.

Obscurity is dispelled by augmenting the light of discernment, not by attacking the darkness.

The human mind is indeed a cave swarming with strange forms of life, most of them unconscious and unilluminated. Unless we can understand something as to how the motives that issue from this obscurity are generated, we can hardly hope to foresee or control them.
Charles Horton Cooley

Ten thousand fools proclaim themselves into obscurity, while one wise man forgets himself into immortality.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

I never knew how good it is to be unknown until now. The last time I was unknown I was too busy trying to become known to realize the advantages of obscurity.
Alec Guinness

Celebrity is just obscurity biding its time.
Carrie Fisher

The big problem isn’t piracy, it’s obscurity.
Cory Doctorow

He who has lived obscurely and quietly has lived well.

I did what I could to inflate the rumor I was on my way to stardom. What I was on my way to, by any mathematical standards known to man, was oblivion, by way of obscurity.
Tallulah Bankhead

Artists are the best theologians. They feel things that are true before theologians can jargonize them into obscurity.
Tony Campolo

The changes in the human condition are uncertain and frequent. Many, on whom fortune has bestowed her favours, may trace their family to a more unprosperous station; and many who are now in obscurity, may look back upon the affluence and exalted rank of their ancestors.
Alexander Hamilton

Full many a flower is born to blush unseen.
James Joyce

Time in its irresistible and ceaseless flow carries along on its flood all created things and drowns them in the depths of obscurity.
Anna Komnene

Critics should help people see for themselves; they should never try to define things, or impose their own explanations, though I admit that if... a critic's explanations serve to increase the general obscurity, that's all to the good.
Georges Braque

When we really worship anything, we love not only its clearness but its obscurity. We exult in its very invisibility.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

I was by birth a gentleman, living neither in any considerable height nor yet in obscurity.
Oliver Cromwell

The line between greatness and obscurity is very, very small.
Peabo Bryson

The obscurity of a writer is generally in proportion to his incapacity.

One must choose between obscurity with efficiency, and fame with its inevitable collateral of bluff.
William McFee

Obscurity and a competence—that is the life that is best worth living.
Mark Twain

Life is an ordeal, albeit an exciting one, but I wouldn't trade it for the good old days of poverty and obscurity.
Jim Carrey

The origins of poetry are clearly rooted in obscurity, in secretiveness, in incantation, in spells that must at once invoke and protect, tell the secret and keep it.
Mary Ruefle

I had a great time on News Radio, I got to make tons of money in relative obscurity and learn a lot about the TV biz and work on my standup act constantly. It was a dream gig.
Joe Rogan

Fame is fickle, but Obscurity is usually faithful to the end.
Mason Cooley

The spirit is often concealed within matter to such an extent that few people are generally capable of perceiving it.
Wassily Kandinsky

My English text is chaste, and all licentious passages are left in the decent obscurity of a learned language.
Edward Gibbon

As the pearl ripens in the obscurity of its shell, so ripens in the tomb all the fame that is truly precious.
Walter Savage Landor

Untruth being unacceptable to the mind of man, there is no other defence left for absurdity but obscurity.
John Locke

How often the highest talent lurks in obscurity.

The mind's passion is all for singling out. Obscurity has another tale to tell.
Adrienne Rich

For though we very truly hear that the kingdom of God will be filled with splendor, joy, happiness and glory, yet when these things are spoken of, they remain utterly remote from our perception, and as it were, wrapped in obscurities, until that day.
John Calvin

You need a platform upon which to release an orchestral record, otherwise it's just going to be an obscurity.
Elvis Costello

Obscurity is a bigger problem for authors than piracy.
Tim O'Reilly

Obscurantism is the academic theorist's revenge on society for having consigned him or her to relative obscurity - a way of proclaiming one's superiority in the face of one's diminished influence.
David Lehman

To be skeptical of the resultant text of the New Testament books is to allow all of classical antiquity to slip into obscurity, for no documents of the ancient period are as well attested bibliographically as the New Testament.
John Warwick Montgomery

I mean, you hear the word 'globalization' over and over and over again. Globalization, globalization, globalization. Rarely has a word gone so directly from obscurity to meaninglessness without any intervening period of coherence.
Robert Reich

Be wary of passing the judgment: obscure. To find something obscure poses no difficult, elephants and poodles find many things obscure.
Georg C. Lichtenberg