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Old Days Quotes

The only good thing about the good old days is they're gone.
Dick Gregory

The sole beneficial aspect of the bygone era is its absence.
Authors on Old Days Quotes: Kabir Bedi Alonzo Bodden Dick Gregory Ziggy Marley Artie Shaw Don Rickles Pat Oliphant Oscar Wilde Tom Clancy Clare Boothe Luce Prince Philip Joan Rivers Rick Riordan Bill Paxton Ed Helms Joe Biden Robert Knepper Alice Childress Edmund Hillary Luther Vandross
The good old days are now.
Tom Clancy

The best part is still ahead of me - I haven't experienced my 'good old days' yet.
Luther Vandross

The main thing is to get what little happiness there is out of life in this wartorn world because ‘these are the good old days’ now.
Clare Boothe Luce

The good old days are neither better nor worse than the ones we're living through right now.
Artie Shaw

I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them.
Ed Helms

I don't like conservatives. They always talk about the good old days. I'm black, we have no good old days.
Alonzo Bodden

"The good old days." The only good days are ahead.
Alice Childress

The old days were the old days. And they were great days. But now is now.
Don Rickles

In the old days the studios guided your career. Now it's all up to you.
Bill Paxton

I'm not the sort to wallow in nostalgia about the good old days.
Kabir Bedi

There were dragons to slay in the old days. Nixon was a good dragon.
Pat Oliphant

Were you here in the bad old days? ... That's why you can't read and write then!
Prince Philip

I don't have to wait to realize the good old days.
Ziggy Marley

In the old days men had the rack. Now they have the Press.
Oscar Wilde

In the good old days when I was a senator, I was my own man.
Joe Biden

I have to admit I do get a bit depressed at times and you know I think about the good old days when I was charging ahead.
Edmund Hillary

My personal style is over-the-top dowager. The old days they said get dressed and take one thing off, I say get dressed and put one thing on.
Joan Rivers

Wow. When he started looking back on the war with Kronos as the good old days--that was sad.
Rick Riordan

Any great movie in the old days has a red herring. Hitchcock was so good at that.
Robert Knepper