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Pale Skin Quotes

I have olive skin, so if I get pale, I look green. I have to tan.
Nicole Richie

Authors on Pale Skin Quotes: Kenneth Oppel Lily Cole Cassandra Clare Jim Butcher Shirley Manson Jose Angel Gutierrez Nicole Richie James Frey
I could not help staring back, for they made quite a contrast: Kate's pale skin and elegant purple suit, Nadira's dusky skin and exotic fiery sari. "Do we clash?" Nadira said dryly. "We certainly do," said Kate. "Would you like me to move?" "Don't trouble yourself.
Kenneth Oppel

Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes
Jose Angel Gutierrez

People don't associate red hair, pale skin, and freckles with beauty.
Shirley Manson

Every time I have to try on a wig for work, I get excited about the colour; I've often thought about going for a platinum bob or also raven black, as it looks so great against pale skin. But I always end up being loyal to my red colour.
Lily Cole

He flushed, the colour dark against his pale skin. 'I mean. Tessa Gray, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?' Jem.
Cassandra Clare

Her flawless pale skin was also spangled with gemstones. I don't know how they'd been attached, but they clung to her and sent little flashes of color glittering around the cavern when she moved. They were concentrated most densely around her ... well ... She'd been, ah, vajazzled.
Jim Butcher

She is sitting on frozen ground wrapped in a blanket, her pale skin shining. She smiles and she stands and without words, she steps forward, opens the blanket, envelops me within it and within her and within myself. She kisses my cheek, the one not torn, she wraps me and she holds me. Her arms are thin but strong. She whispers in my ear, "I'm glad you're here.
James Frey