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Philip Freelon Quotes

I don't do casinos or prisons; I like to do projects that enhance the lives of everyday people, like campus buildings, libraries, museums and government buildings. That's why I love working in the public sector.
Philip Freelon

I always say African American history is the quintessential American story. It's about perseverance and resilience - something everyone can relate to.
Philip Freelon

The number of African Americans in my profession is woefully small; about two percent of architects in the country are black. I'd like to see more diversity. That's why whenever I'm asked to speak at middle and high schools I always say yes.
Philip Freelon

I derive a tremendous amount of pride in developing places that everyday people can experience. I like to create beauty in everyday lives.
Philip Freelon

African Americans were responsible for creating a lot of this beautiful and elaborate ironwork; we weren't just working in the cotton fields.
Philip Freelon