Never focus on your problems. Focus on your possibilities. The problems will pull you down. The possibilities will push you up
Bo Sanchez
Don't dwell on your woes. Concentrate on the opportunities that are available to you. Your issues will drag you down, but your prospects will raise you up.
When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.
Eckhart Tolle
When you embrace the unknown, seemingly boundless opportunities arise in your existence.
When we come to the place of impossibilities, it is the grandest place for us to see the possibilities of God.
Smith Wigglesworth
When we reach the ultimate limits, it is the ideal spot for us to witness the marvels of God.
One's only failure is failing to live up to one's own possibilities.
Abraham Maslow
One's only shortcoming is not fulfilling one's own potential.
A creator is someone who creates their own impossibilities, and thereby creates possibilities.
Gilles Deleuze
A maker is someone who fabricates their own inconceivabilities, and thereby produces opportunites.
Reality is one of the possibilities I cannot afford to ignore
Leonard Cohen
Anything is always a possibility. Wouldn't talk about what we would have done or what we would do. Everything is a possibility.
Jim Harbaugh
Surround yourself with those who won’t compete but will revel in your success and see your ascent as a reflection of their own possibilities.
T. D. Jakes
Possibility is not a luxury; it is as crucial as bread.
Judith Butler
I always live in the present. I don’t know the future and no longer have the past. The former oppresses me as the possibility of everything, the latter as the reality of nothing.
Fernando Pessoa
Imagination allows us to conceive of delightful future possibilities, pick the most amazing one, and pull the present forward to meet it.
Jason Silva
Music begins where the possibilities of language end.
Jean Sibelius
Whether you believe you can or not, you're right.
Henry Ford
The poor prey on one another because their lives offer no hope and communicate the tragic message to these human beings that they have no possibility to attain a decent standard of living.
Thabo Mbeki
Cinematography is infinite in its possibilities... much more so than music or language.
Conrad Hall
There are many spokes on the wheel of life. First, we're here to explore new possibilities.
Ray Charles
We are the opening verse of the opening page of the chapter of endless possibilities.
Rudyard Kipling
We are not being arrogant or complacent when we are said that our country, as a united nation, has never in its entire history, enjoyed such a confluence of encouraging possibilities.
Thabo Mbeki
What after all, has maintained the human race on this old globe despite all the calamities of nature and all the tragic failings of mankind, if not faith in new possibilities, and courage to advocate them?
Jane Addams
Be patient, even if every possibility seems closed.
There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before.
Henry David Thoreau
Memories and possibilities are even more hideous than realities.
H. P. Lovecraft
The Intentionality of the mind not only creates the possibility of meaning, but limits its forms.
John Searle
The only person who can limit your possibilities is you.
Jon Gordon
We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and visualizing is one of the greatest of these powers.
Genevieve Behrend
The possibilities are endless, so never be discouraged by a setback, no matter how big.
Tommy Hilfiger
Liberation from every form of exploitation, the possibility of a more human and dignified life, the creation of a new humankind - all pass through this struggle.
Gustavo Gutiérrez
It is for us to see the Kingdom of God as always coming, always pressing in on the present, always big with possibility, and always inviting immediate action
Walter Rauschenbusch
When a woman rises up in glory, her energy is magnetic and her sense of possibility contagious.
Marianne Williamson
Success breeds a disregard of the possibility of failure.
Hyman Minsky
These clashes are the only evolu-tionary possibility which will enable us one day, now that Fate has given us the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, to create the Germanic Reich.
Heinrich Himmler
As you continue writing and rewriting, you begin to see possibilities you hadn't seen before. Writing a poem is always a process of discovery.
Robert Hayden
The mere existence of atomic weapons implies the possibility of their use.
Georgy Zhukov
To become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something.
Walker Percy
Man is always something more than what he knows of himself. He is not what he is simply once and for all, but is a process; he is not merely an extant life, but is, within that life, endowed with possibilities through the freedom he possesses to make of himself what he will by the activities on which he decides.
Karl Jaspers
But you need to have lived years in nothingness to understand how a person can suddenly become frightened by a possibility.
David Foenkinos
The best gift you can give yourself is the gift of possibility.
Paul Newman
Surviving - that is the other name of a mourning whose possibility is never to be awaited.
Jacques Derrida
If you don't allow yourself the possibility of writing something very, very bad, it would be hard to write something very good.
Steven Galloway
The public library is where place and possibility meet.
Stuart Dybek
Writers don't need to be given formulas; they need to be shown possibilities.
Barry Lane
The possibility of reduced-time interstellar travel either by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations at present or ourselves in the future, is not fundamentally constrained by physical principles.
Harold E. Puthoff
There is also something deeply lovely about uncertainty: the possibility of optimism.
Joan Wickersham
When a woman tells the truth she is creating the possibility for more truth around her.
Adrienne Rich
Without the possibility of death,
adventure is not possible.
Reinhold Messner