Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control.
Joseph Pilates
The study of asana is not about mastering posture.
It's about using posture to understand and transform yourself.
B.K.S. Iyengar
If I feel confident wearing something, I think it translates in photographs. It changes my demeanor and posture.
Nina Dobrev
Backbends are to be felt more than expressed. The other postures can be expressed and then felt. Like in meditation each person has to feel backbends.
B.K.S. Iyengar
Cultivate an ever-continuous power of observation. Wherever you are, be always ready to make slight notes of postures, groups and incidents.
John Singer Sargent
When the asana is correct, there is lightness, a freedom. Freedom comes when every part of the body is active. Let us be free in whatever posture we are doing. Let us be full in whatever we do.
B.K.S. Iyengar
Unless some misfortune has made it impossible, everyone can have good posture.
Loretta Young
You just realize that you can't turn a lefthand corner in a right posture without exposing some part of your body, and so it was really me just noticing the exposure I had, and it made me start doing and practicing the switching.
Steven Seagal
We stop the one who can't cease from seeking things outside, and practice with our bodies with a posture that seeks absolutely nothing. This is zazen.
Kodo Sawaki
Humility is the only lens though which great things can be seen--and once we have seen them, humility is the only posture possible.
Parker J. Palmer
A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.
Morihei Ueshiba
Be mild and firm. Apply your best exertions to put us in a proper posture of defense.
Edward Rutledge
To mourn, perhaps, is simply to prolong a posture of astonishment.
Sara Suleri
Sin is not an unfortunate slip or a regrettable act; it is a posture of defiance against a holy God.
Max Lucado
We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect.
Ambrose Bierce
When a woman puts up her fists to a man she is putting herself in the only posture in which he is not afraid of her.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Good posture and an attitude let you get away with anything.
Lorna Landvik
What is it that distinguishes man from animals? It is not his upright posture.
Erich Fromm
The Russians don't make determinations about what our defense posture is.
Barack Obama
All of us wrestle with the angels of our inabilities all the time. We live in fear that our incapacities will be exposed. We posture and evaluate and assess and criticize mercilessly.
Joan D. Chittister
To adopt the posture of the hero is the most unheroic of all acts.
Dorothy Norman
The liberal posture really requires a willingness to give to others, and that works, as I say, when you have an expanding pie. But if you don't have an expanding pie, everyone starts hunkering down.
Thomas B. Edsall
“He has many things I haven’t got,” said Jace. “Like nearsightedness, bad posture, and an appalling lack of coordination.” -
Jace about Simon
Cassandra Clare
Public postures have the configuration of private derangement.
Tom Stoppard
A drink this good deserves one's best posture.
John Green
Freedom in a posture is when every joint is active.
B.K.S. Iyengar
Razo hopped back up and adopted a posture that said he was completely unruffled, never had been, and in fact was ready to do something manly like lift boulders or swallow live worms.
Shannon Hale
When I consider the deeper meaning of yoga, I realize it's about a lot more than simply performing a variety of postures on a mat.
Carre Otis
There's something undeniable about the posture of a person trying not to acknowledge your existance
Anna Quindlen
Don't teach too many postures; just the main ones, and hold them for a long time.
Dharma Mittra