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Props Quotes

Every prop, every shot, every pearl that rolled across the floor was exactly how I wanted it to be.
Melissa Joan Hart

Authors on Props Quotes: Katy Perry Lady Gaga Arnold Schwarzenegger Kristen Bell James Gandolfini Zach Galifianakis Walter J. Phillips Ludwig Wittgenstein Geri Halliwell Zach Braff Will Gluck Etty Hillesum Johnny Weir Nathan Fillion William Wordsworth Carrot Top Melissa Joan Hart Harry Blackstone, Jr. Rush Limbaugh Amy Lee Horton Foote
The externals are simply so many props; everything we need is within us.
Etty Hillesum

Choose your props wisely.
Kristen Bell

Everyone has the gift of laughter inside of them. All the world is a prop.
Carrot Top

I've gotten to where my hair is like my onstage prop; I need to hide behind it and throw it around - it's my slo-mo effect.
Amy Lee

I told Warren if he mentions Prop. 13 one more time, he has to do 500 push-ups.
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Tradition is a prop for social security.
Walter J. Phillips

"It is necessary to be given the prop that all elementary props are given." This is not necessary because it is even impossible. There is no such prop! That all elementary props are given is SHOWN by there being none having an elementary sense which is not given.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

I know that I've overfed myself trying to prop myself up because I'm exhausted.
Geri Halliwell

Science appears but what in truth she is, Not as our glory and our absolute boast, But as a succedaneum, and a prop To our infirmity.
William Wordsworth

American society loves to prop people up and then take them down.
Zach Galifianakis

I am a gay activist and I say that proudly. I voted no on Prop 8.
Katy Perry

I spend my money on my props and my creations. I'm an inventor.
Lady Gaga

I like the prop food so much that I eat it between takes as well as on camera.
James Gandolfini

I find my movie props in my neighbors houses.
Zach Braff

I don't like having characters as props. I never want a character to be a prop.
Will Gluck

Don't bring a prop. It's almost like they were afraid nobody would know who they are.
Johnny Weir

I'm not a big prop actor.
Nathan Fillion

Remember, your not your props, create the magic.
Harry Blackstone, Jr.

Standards are declining left and right, and it doesn't matter. It's whatever is necessary to prop up Obama.
Rush Limbaugh

Writing is the thing that props me up.
Horton Foote