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Rad Quotes

I remember my first kisses with a lot of people, and they're rad experiences. And you don't have to really take it to that next level because that's what keeps it exciting.
Pete Wentz

Authors on Rad Quotes: Jonah Hill Pete Wentz Diablo Cody Sherrilyn Kenyon Rie Rasmussen Neil Patrick Harris
Jump Street merging with MiB I think that's clean and rad and powerful.
Jonah Hill

If something rad is going on and it has to do with film, I want to be there. If it's getting coffee, I don't care. It's a passion of mine.
Rie Rasmussen

Love is mysterious and rad, like Steve Perry from Journey
Diablo Cody

You look so out of your element. (Savitar) I am out of my element. Much like you in a Seattle Goth club. (Acheron) I’m never out of my element, Atlantean. And it must be dire indeed to get you in shorties, and on a board. One day I’m actually going to get you to say ‘Rad four-mill steamer, dude! (Savitar)
Sherrilyn Kenyon

I'd love to be some sort of villain in a big-budget action movie. Or a superhero franchise. That'd be rad.
Neil Patrick Harris