A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
A man perishes when he chooses not to champion that which is right.
There is no such thing as freedom of choice unless there is freedom to refuse.
David Hume
There is no true autonomy unless one has the right to decline.
Refuse to give up, your mistakes don't define you.
They don't dictate where you're headed, they remind you.
Deny defeat, your missteps don't identify you. They don't dictate your destiny, they caution you.
If you would live in victory . . . you must refuse to be dominated by the seen and the felt.
Amy Carmichael
If you wish to triumph . . . you must reject allowing the tangible and the perceived to dictate your actions.
A man can fall many times in life, but he's never a failure until he refuses to get back up.
Evel Knievel
A person may encounter numerous setbacks in life, but only when they cease to strive for success are they truly defeated.
I was admonished ot adopt feminine clothes; I refused, and still refuse. As for other avocations of women, there are plenty of other women to perform them.
Joan of Arc
I think to scandalize is a right, to be scandalized is a pleasure, and those who refuse to be scandalized are moralists.
Pier Paolo Pasolini
I refuse to live my life in fear.
Fela Kuti
You don't have the right to hold somebody accountable for standards you refuse to apply to yourself.
Stephen A. Smith
Maybe the target nowadays is not to discover what we are but to refuse what we are.
Michel Foucault
When a great adventure is offered, you don't refuse it.
Amelia Earhart
Defeat happens only to those who refuse to try again.
Nick Vujicic
I absolutely refuse to reveal my age. What am I - a car?
Cyndi Lauper
Our lives are shaped by those who love us as well as those who refuse to love us.
Karl A. Menninger
Don't let your eyes refuse to seeDon't let your ears refuse to hear
Ray LaMontagne
What I refuse to face within myself will meet me in the exterior world through you, not as you are, but as I have so construed you.
James Hollis
Society is defined not only by what it creates, but by what it refuses to destroy.
John C. Sawhill
You cannot change what you refuse to confront.
John Spence
Those who prefer their principles over their happiness, they refuse to be happy outside the conditions they seem to have attached to their happiness.
Albert Camus
Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy.
Aaron Swartz
I've still got a brilliant head of hair, which refuses to lay down.
Rod Stewart
Yet the deepest truths are best read between the lines, and, for the most part, refuse to be written.
Amos Bronson Alcott
I can never refuse anyone who addresses me as Mother.
Sarada Devi
Life is paradise, and we are all in paradise, but we refuse to see it.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
You can't always be demanding solidarity from others and then refuse to show it yourself.
Martin Schulz
I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven.
Desmond Tutu
Refuse to let an old person move into your body.
Wayne Dyer
Refuse to be afraid that we will no longer be considered attractive and acceptable when we are strong.
Jane Fonda
Everyone including YOU suffers when you refuse to BE all & DO all you can.
Tara Fela-Durotoye
You are my butterfly and refuse to set you free.
Shannon Hale
It is precisely through the indeterminate nature of history that resistance becomes possible and politics refuses any guarantees and remains open.
Henry Giroux
I refuse to do anything easy. I'm writing for the smartest person out there. I'm not equating myself with the smartest person out there, but hopefully I'm writing to say you're not alone. I'm not alone. We're not alone.
Larry Gelbart
Those who refuse to engage in politics will be led by their inferiors
The new generation has to hear what the older generation refuses to tell it.
Simon Wiesenthal
Often we combat our evil thoughts most effectively if we absolutely refuse to allow them to be expressed in words.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
to that piece in each of us that refuses to be silent.
Audre Lorde
A person who refuses to give up will always succeed eventually.
Joyce Meyer
I want the part of you that you refuse to give.
Ellen Hopkins
The trouble with Reason is that it becomes meaningless at the exact point where it refuses to act.
Bernard DeVoto