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Rejected Quotes

I've always rejected being understood. To be understood is to prostitute oneself. I prefer to be taken seriously for what I'm not, remaining humanly unknown, with naturalness and all due respect
Fernando Pessoa

Authors on Rejected Quotes: Aya Cash Lawrence O'Donnell Abraham Foxman Liam Neeson Romano Prodi Alex Haley Mike Lazaridis Francois Fenelon Stefan Molyneux Chaz Bono John Paul DeJoria Jack London Trenton Lee Stewart Edmund White Herbert Schiller Rush Limbaugh Warren Farrell Amber Tamblyn Michael Cretu E. Stanley Jones Kelly Clarkson Rod Serling Courtney Love Jonathan Ive Kathy Ireland Timothy Keller Edward Brooke Mark Victor Hansen Rhonda Britten Willie Soon Amy Dickinson Louis-Ferdinand Celine Patrick O'Brian
I believe neither the French nor the Dutch really rejected the constitutional treaty.
Jean-Claude Juncker

Being rejected from something good just means that Allah is pointing you to something better
Boonaa Mohammed

I decided to write short stories because they got rejected quicker.
Caroline B. Cooney

In order to be successful, you have to make sure that being rejected doesn’t bother you at all.
Bill Ackman

If you feel loved, you can do a thousand things. If you feel rejected, everything becomes a problem.
Henri Nouwen

Don't let anyone, or any rejection, keep you from what you want.
Ashley Tisdale

I'm glad I'm not bisexual. I couldn't stand being rejected by men as well as women.
Bernard Manning

All great innovations are built on rejections.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Once one has rejected faith, it will become impossible for him to enter the gates of Heaven.

Every time you get rejected, say: 'Next!'
Mark Victor Hansen

There are no halfway measures against bigotry, hatred and anti-Semitism. It's got to be rejected totally.
Abraham Foxman

Theories are not rejected by cirsumstantial evidence: it takes a theory to beat a theory.
George Stigler

I had been rejected, but I was still in love.
Steve Jobs

If you don't go to a dance you can never be rejected but you'll never get to dance either.
Maeve Binchy

I think when the world makes you feel rejected, you bite back.
Tom Hiddleston

Old rules and habits have to be rejected and dismissed so that something new can be created.
Michael Cretu

Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript, at which time we knew we had something pretty hot.
Kinky Friedman

Men are often a lot less vindictive than women are, because we are rejected constantly every day.
Warren Farrell

You take the risk of being rejected.
Roger Waters

Historically we have rejected extremism on the left and the right. Centrism is the right course for America.
Edward Brooke

Cameraphones will be rejected by corporate users.
Mike Lazaridis

If you're not being rejected regularly - maybe you're not trying hard enough.
Kathy Ireland

Stay enthusiastic after getting rejected.
John Paul DeJoria

When I realised I was transgender I was so afraid of what my transition would do to everyone else in my life and how they would react to it and would I be rejected?
Chaz Bono

And if you feel that everyone has rejected you and your ideas let me tell you this, you are most assuredly in good company.
James Van Fleet

Was it worse for him, Reynie wondered, to have felt loved and then rejected? Or was it worse to have always felt alone?
Trenton Lee Stewart

The gifts of God are not to be rejected on account of the channel that brings them.
Francois Fenelon

Describe the God you've rejected. Describe the God you don't believe in. Maybe I don't believe in that God either.
Timothy Keller

Now, I cannot approve anything the council has rejected, but I can reject anything the council has approved.
Jane Alexander

A reduced Christ is the same as a rejected Christ.
E. Stanley Jones

It is necessary to put yourself out for rejection, and accept that you will be rejected.
Robert Genn

There is nothing more painful than being rejected simply for being who you are.
Amy Dickinson

I'm sufficiently independent to know that I can live well and comfortably all the rest of my life whether I'm rejected or not.
Rod Serling

I've never rejected the world I came from. To be rejected by it is horrible.
Salman Rushdie

I tell younger writers that indeed it is devastating to be rejected. You feel like the bottom dropped out of your world.
Alex Haley

I rejected the idea of 9/11 being exploited pornographically immediately after the tragedy, when no one else breathed a word about it.
Jim Steranko

The hallmark of good science is the testing of a plausible hypothesis that is then either supported or rejected by the evidence.
Willie Soon

All the best things that happened to me happened after I was rejected. I knew the power of getting past no.
Barbara Corcoran

There are 9 rejected ideas for every idea that works.
Jonathan Ive

The opinion of the majority is not lightly to be rejected; but neither is it to be carelessly echoed.
George Henry Lewes

I get nervous about press and about being rejected or disappointing myself.
Courtney Love

The unconscious is the true accumulation of your history. It can be accepted or rejected but it can't fundamentally be altered.
Stefan Molyneux

When you're fired, you're rejected. It's as simple as that.
Harvey Mackay

I never rejected any responsibility, but that depends on the decision.
Bashar al-Assad

The Democrats can't come to grips with the fact that they have been not just defeated, they've been rejected, what they stand for and what they did. And their fingerprints alone with on these things: Obamacare, that stimulus. That's why this is a very risky thing for Donald Trump, this stimulus that he wants to do, but we'll get into that just a second here.
Rush Limbaugh

If I get rejected for a part, I pick myself up and say, 'OK, not today, maybe tomorrow I'll get this other part or something.'
Liam Neeson

To act, you must know pain. You must know what it means to be in love, what it means to be rejected.
Preity Zinta

People are afraid, people don't want to be rejected.
Andrew Breitbart

We are afraid of failure, of ridicule, of being rejected. We are afraid we’re not good enough.
Rhonda Britten