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Revival Quotes

A man who is intimate with God will never be intimidated by men.
Leonard Ravenhill

A man who is close with the Divine will never be daunted by mortals.
Authors on Revival Quotes: Leonard Ravenhill Charles Grandison Finney Watchman Nee R. A. Torrey Nancy Leigh DeMoss Lou Engle David Mackenzie Robert M. Price Arthur Tappan Pierson Vladimir Voinovich Bruce Beresford Mordecai Ham Vance Havner Martyn Lloyd-Jones Kenny Chesney J. Edwin Orr Arthur Wallis Theodore L. Cuyler Billy Sunday Little Richard Aiden Wilson Tozer Kevin DeYoung William Booth Paul Washer Thornton Wilder Alan Redpath Horatius Bonar Samuel Butler Henry Ward Beecher William Christopher Handy Edward McKendree Bounds Kathie Lee Gifford Tom Stoppard
There can be no revival when Mr. Amen and Mr. Wet-Eyes are not found in the audience.
Charles Grandison Finney

There can be no resurgence when Mr. Amen and Mr. Sad-Eyes are not present in the congregation.
A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God.
Charles Grandison Finney

When is a revival needed? When carelessness and unconcern keep the people asleep.
Billy Sunday

Our prayers lay the track down which Gods power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails.
Watchman Nee

History is silent about revivals that did not begin with prayer.
J. Edwin Orr

We heard stories about fakery and decoys at revivals. I never personally saw any trickery.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Revival is the eruption of God's heart on a life poured out.
Lou Engle

Study the history of revival. God has always sent revival in the darkest days. Oh, for a mighty, sweeping revival today!
Adrian Rogers

Revival is God revealing Himself to men in awesome holiness and irresistible power.
Arthur Wallis

You have the same DNA as the greats of the past who started revivals.
Lou Engle

I don't want revival...I WANT CHRIST! And if we have Christ, there will be a revival.
Paul Washer

Out of a very intimate acquaintance with D.L. Moody, I wish to testify that he was a far greater pray-er than he was preacher.
R. A. Torrey

Prayer begets Revival, which begets more prayer.
Jim Cymbala

If we want revivals, we must revive our reverence for the Word of God.
Charles Spurgeon

Prayer is not learned in a classroom but in the closet.
Edward McKendree Bounds

Revival is the Spirit's passion within the believer to know and to obey the total will of God.
Leonard Ravenhill

Maybe you are the key to revival in your church.
Leonard Ravenhill

Every true revival from that day to this has had its earthly origin in prayer.
R. A. Torrey

As long as we are content to live without revival, we will.
Leonard Ravenhill

People are ashamed to admit they need a revival.
Mordecai Ham

The only reason we don't have revival is because we are willing to live without it!
Leonard Ravenhill

A genuine revival means a trimming of personal lamps.
Theodore L. Cuyler

Revival is not just an emotional touch; it's a complete takeover!
Nancy Leigh DeMoss

We will never meet God in revival until we have first met Him in brokenness.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Our prayers lay the track down which God's power can come.
Watchman Nee

Nobody in pulpit or pew needs a revival more than a bitter-spirited fundamentalist with his dispensations right and his disposition wrong.
Vance Havner

The Word of God represents all the possibilities of God as at the disposal of true prayer.
Arthur Tappan Pierson

At God's counter there are no sale days, for the price of revival is ever the same: travail!
Leonard Ravenhill

Revival brings back a holy shock to apathy and carelessness.
Winkie Pratney

When God becomes routine rather than revival, it's time to switch things up.
Lysa TerKeurst

While women weep, as they do now, I'll fight.
William Booth

If you can explain what is happening in a church, apart from the sovereign act of God, it is not revival.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The drive toward economic nationalism is only part of the general revival of nationalism.
Arthur Henderson

A revival of religion presupposes a declension.
Charles Grandison Finney

There is no revival possible in any fellowship without a price being paid.
Alan Redpath

The history of art is the history of revivals.
Samuel Butler

If we truly long for revival, we will rejoice even when it starts at the church down the road.
Kevin DeYoung

The conservative revival cannot be dismissed.
Christopher Lasch

It is easier to speak about revival than to set about it.
Horatius Bonar

True revival can only be ignited by God, but God will always move through men.
Rick Joyner

"You ask me how I know he lives?" asks the revival chorus. "He lives within my heart." Exactly! A figment.
Robert M. Price

I took a complete year off the road, but a big part of that year was making 'The Big Revival.' I needed that down time just so I could concentrate. The one thing that starts it all for us is the music. That's what you create in the studio. That's where the magic happens.
Kenny Chesney

Renewal and revival often begin when young people take a stand for God.
Jim Burns

Revival of the Stalin cult is very clearly being encouraged from above, and it's a way of encouraging the cult of Putin. The message is that people of this type are the only ones who can govern the country properly. Putin is today's Stalin.
Vladimir Voinovich

The blues - the sound of a sinner on revival day.
William Christopher Handy

What would bring about a revival of epic proportion?
Andy Stanley

I'm a conductor of revivals. The only minister in the whole package. Little Richard, the evangelist.
Little Richard

The revival in religion will be a rhetorical problem - new persuasive words for defaced or degraded ones.
Thornton Wilder

Prayer for revival will prevail when it is accompanied by radical amendment of life; not before.
Aiden Wilson Tozer