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Robert M. Hensel Quotes

Robert M. Hensel Quotes
No one has ever died, from an overexposure to education.
Robert M. Hensel

There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more.
Robert M. Hensel

I have a Disability yes that's true, but all that really means is I may have to take a slightly different path than you.
Robert M. Hensel

Know me for my abilities, not my disability.
Robert M. Hensel

When everyone else says you can't, determination says,'YES YOU CAN.'
Robert M. Hensel

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A positive attitude, can turn a storm into a sprinkle.
Robert M. Hensel

Tears are the body's raindrops of emotion.
Robert M. Hensel

Have courage enough to accept what you can not change, but yet courageous enough to stand up and fight for what you can.
Robert M. Hensel

Quote Topics by Robert M. Hensel: Disability Men Life Inspirational Love Ability Perseverance Mind Heart Memories Different Moving Motivation Winning Change Eye Hands Fighting Equality Determination Strength Teeth Needs Sorrow Limits Tree Sponges Reality Character Kindness
I can not, and will not judge, by what my eyes may see. For the skin on a man shall not reveal his true identity.
Robert M. Hensel

Whenever we begin to feel as if we can no longer go on, HOPE whispers in our ear to remind us that we are strong.
Robert M. Hensel

I choose not to place "DIS," in my ability.
Robert M. Hensel

I'm just a man on a mission, to prove my disability hasn't won
Robert M. Hensel

Being born with a disability, can sometimes be a struggle, but it is the ability to overcome such a challenge, that makes it so worth the fight. NEVER GIVE UP!!!
Robert M. Hensel

To find equality for mankind, we must first remove the barriers that have divided us for so long.
Robert M. Hensel

My disability has opened my eyes to see my true abilities.
Robert M. Hensel

A man is not wealthy simply by the contents of his pockets alone, but instead by the richness of his heart.
Robert M. Hensel

It doesn't matter which side of the tracks your from, the train still rolls the same.
Robert M. Hensel

I don't have a dis-ability, I have a different-ability.
Robert M. Hensel

As a disabled man, let my life be a reflection of the endless amount of ability that exists in each and everyone of us.
Robert M. Hensel

Now I look beyond what I can't do and focus on what I CAN.
Robert M. Hensel

A single man of one, only pebbles can be moved, but many men together, stands no mountain that can't move.
Robert M. Hensel

Placing one foot in front of the other, I've climbed to higher lengths. Reaching beyond my own limitations, to show my inner strength. No obstacle too hard, for this warrior to overcome. I'm just a man on a mission, to prove my disability hasn't won.
Robert M. Hensel

I'm chasing my dreams straight to the top - into a sky that has no limits.
Robert M. Hensel

Never take more out of life, than you intend to give back.
Robert M. Hensel

Dare to walk the path that others have feared to travel, and a leader shall then be born.
Robert M. Hensel

We, the one's who are challenged, need to be heard. To be seen not as a disability, but as a person who has, and will continue to bloom. To be seen not only as a handicap, but as a well intact human being.
Robert M. Hensel

One is more desirable when loved, not feared.
Robert M. Hensel

Hands of time move us forward, never back. Only memories frozen in mind, can we re-enact.
Robert M. Hensel

Success is measured simply by the amount of effort we put forth, in conquering our objectives.
Robert M. Hensel

There may be troubled waters along the many paths my life shall take, but only I as a man, may keep my vessel afloat, and guide myself straight.
Robert M. Hensel

If my body were a tree trunk, the rings would surely reveal the time it has had to mature.
Robert M. Hensel

In the dark, equality for all of mankind couldn't seem brighter.
Robert M. Hensel

Limitations only go so far.
Robert M. Hensel

Failure leaves open a door for us to try, and try again.
Robert M. Hensel

Structure builds minds into great Monuments.
Robert M. Hensel

Life isn't all about what you don't have, but yet, what you do with what you have been given.
Robert M. Hensel

The mind is like a sponge, soaking up endless drops of knowledge.
Robert M. Hensel

A brush of kindness can paint a smile on a face.
Robert M. Hensel

When the heart speaks, love listens.
Robert M. Hensel

Build your world around me, and promise to never let me go, and if ever their comes a time it may seem crowded, may we expand so love may grow.
Robert M. Hensel

In order for us to reach success, we must first find, the ladder.
Robert M. Hensel

A poem is but a thought, a mere memory caught at play. From hand onto paper, bleeding thoughts emerge.
Robert M. Hensel

No scale to balance, what's in my heart. No numbers to measure, nor even to chart. This love can't be seen, in ounces or in pounds. For only through time, can it's value be found.
Robert M. Hensel

We are the true architects of our lives. Only we as individuals and individuals alone, carry within us, the inner ability to make any changes to it's blue prints.
Robert M. Hensel

No disability or dictionary out there, is capable of clearly defining who we are as a person.
Robert M. Hensel

Take a good hard look in the mirror, and remember yourself as you are today, cause as time changes, so does the scenery.
Robert M. Hensel

Life is a challenge, and I'm staying in the game to win.
Robert M. Hensel

Every failure is just another step closer to a win. Never stop trying.
Robert M. Hensel

To be, I must endure the pain.
Robert M. Hensel

Poetry, is the insulation that lies between the inner walls of the mind.
Robert M. Hensel