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Robert Mugabe Quotes

Zimbabwean educator and politician, Birth: 21-2-1924 Robert Mugabe Quotes
Sometimes you look back at girls you spent money on rather than send it to your mum and you realise witchcraft is real
Robert Mugabe

Occasionally reflecting on the money that was squandered on frivolous activities rather than sent to one's mother brings home the truth that bewitchment is genuine.
If President Barack Obama wants me to allow marriage for same-sex couples in my country (Zimbabwe), he must come here so that I marry him first.
Robert Mugabe

'If President Barack Obama desires that my nation (Zimbabwe) recognize matrimony for same-sex partners, he must come hither so I can officiate his union first.'
South Africans will kick down a statue of a dead white man but won’t even attempt to slap a live one. Yet they can stone to death a black man simply because he’s a foreigner
Robert Mugabe

South Africans will demolish a monument of a deceased white person but won't even try to give a living one a light tap. Still, they can pummel to death an African man solely because he is an immigrant.
Dont fight even over girlfriends. The country is full of beautiful women. If you cant get one, come to Mugabe for assistance.
Robert Mugabe

Don't quarrel over partners. There are plenty of attractive people out there - if you can't find the right one, seek help from Mugabe.
I am still the Hitler of the time. This Hitler has only one objective, justice for his own people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people, and their rights to their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold. Ten times, that is what we stand for.
Robert Mugabe

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The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.
Robert Mugabe

'Put no confidence in a living Caucasian.'
I have died many times. I have actually beaten Jesus Christ because he only died once.
Robert Mugabe

I have succumbed countless times. I have outdone Jesus Christ as he only passed away once.
Our votes must go together with our guns. After all, any vote we shall have, shall have been the product of the gun. The gun which produces the vote should remain its security officer - its guarantor. The people's votes and the people's guns are always inseparable twins.
Robert Mugabe

Quote Topics by Robert Mugabe: Zimbabwe Country People Land Men Struggle Views White Man Troops Real Rights May Done Ceasefire Thinking Looks Taken Commitment Party Remove Blair Membership Support Years Campaigns West Blood Would Be Choices England
Mr Bush, Mr. Blair and now Mr Brown's sense of human rights precludes our people's right to their God-given resources, which in their view must be controlled by their kith and kin. I am termed dictator because I have rejected this supremacist view and frustrated the neo-colonialists.
Robert Mugabe

If you take men and lock them in a house for five years and tell them to come up with two children and they fail to do that, then we will chop off their heads.
Robert Mugabe

If you confine males in a residence for five years and demand them to produce two offspring and they cannot accomplish that, we will execute them.
Don't drink at all, don't smoke, you must exercise and eat vegetables and fruit.
Robert Mugabe

Abstain from alcohol and tobacco, work out regularly, and consume a nutritious diet of fruits and veggies.
The Commonwealth is a mere club, but it has become like Animal Farm, where some members are more equal than others. How can Blair claim to regulate and direct events and still say all of us are equals?
Robert Mugabe

Only God who appointed me will remove me.
Robert Mugabe

Only the Divine who assigned me will revoke me.
The land is ours. It's not European and we have taken it, we have given it to the rightful people... Those of white extraction who happen to be in the country and are farming are welcome to do so, but they must do so on the basis of equality.
Robert Mugabe

What is the problem? We now have aeroplanes which can take them back quicker than the ships used by their ancestors.
Robert Mugabe

What is the issue? We now have aircraft which can transport them back faster than the vessels employed by their forebears.
We have said we will never collapse, never ever. We may have our droughts, our poverty, but as a people we shall never collapse, never ever.
Robert Mugabe

We have vowed to never falter, not ever. We may face hardships and destitution, but as a unit we shall never languish, not ever.
We don't mind having sanctions banning us from Europe. We are not Europeans.
Robert Mugabe

'We have no qualms with being barred from Europe through sanctions. We are not part of that continent.'
We have fought for our land, we have fought for our sovereignty, small as we are we have won our independence and we are prepared to shed our blood... So, Blair keep your England, and let me keep my Zimbabwe.
Robert Mugabe

Our economy is a hundred times better, than the average African economy. Outside South Africa, what country is [as good as] Zimbabwe?.. What is lacking now are goods on the shelves - that is all.
Robert Mugabe

Our economy is a hundred times superior to the norm of African economies. Apart from South Africa, which other nation can match Zimbabwe's level?.. All that is needed now are commodities on the shelves - nothing else.
The voice of Mr Bush and the voice of Mr Blair can't decide who shall rule in Zimbabwe, who shall rule in Africa, who shall rule in Asia, who shall rule in Venezuela, who shall rule in Iran, who shall rule in Iraq.
Robert Mugabe

It's not possible that women can be at par with men.
Robert Mugabe

It's inconceivable that women can be equal to men.
The struggle hasn't ended. It's only just begun in our view. In the sense that if all goes well during the elections and we emerge as the government there will still be another form of struggle. But there's going to be lots of work in reconstruction, resettling people. In the initial period we will expect all the support groups we have here in Britain and elsewhere to concentrate their efforts in enabling us to resettle our people.
Robert Mugabe

I think that the movement is weak in Zimbabwe, much weaker than it is in Italy for example, much weaker than it is in Spain, much weaker than it is even in Germany, although there the groups are small they are very vociferous and you get them speaking loudly and organising.
Robert Mugabe

The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans.
Robert Mugabe

The Caucasian race is not native to Africa. Africa belongs to the African people. Zimbabwe is the nation of Zimbabweans.
If the choice were made, one for us to lose our sovereignty and become a member of the Commonwealth or remain with our sovereignty and lose the membership of the Commonwealth, I would say let the Commonwealth go.
Robert Mugabe

It could never be a correct justification that, because the whites oppressed us yesterday when they had power, that the blacks must oppress them today because they have power.
Robert Mugabe

It could never be acceptable to contend that, merely because the whites mistreated us when they were in a position of authority, the blacks must take revenge now that they have authority.
I am an educationist. I'm an economist. I am a politician. I am also now a good storyteller, you know?
Robert Mugabe

I am an educator. I'm an economist. I am a politician. Additionally, I have now become a proficient raconteur, do you see?
Countries such as the U.S. and Britain have taken it upon themselves to decide for us in the developing world, even to interfere in our domestic affairs and to bring about what they call regime change.
Robert Mugabe

Cricket civilizes people and creates good gentlemen. I want everyone to play cricket in Zimbabwe; I want ours to be a nation of gentlemen.
Robert Mugabe

'Cricket develops humanity and breeds respectable citizens. I wish for everyone in Zimbabwe to partake in cricket; I desire our nation to be a collective of honorable people.'
Our party must continue to strike fear in the heart of the white man, our real enemy!
Robert Mugabe

Our faction must persist in instilling terror in the white man, our genuine adversary!
We will have no mercy for white people regarding the land, they cannot own our soil.
Robert Mugabe

We will show no leniency towards Caucasians regarding the property, they shall not possess our earth.
Africa must revert to what it was before the imperialists divided it. These are artificial divisions which we, in our pan-African concept will seek to remove.
Robert Mugabe

Africa must restore itself to its pre-colonial state. These delineations are manmade and we, through our Pan-African ideology, endeavour to abolish them.
We are no longer going to ask for the land, but we are going to take it without negotiating.
Robert Mugabe

We will no longer negotiate for the land, but rather seize it without discussion.
The anti-imperialist, forces in the country [Zimbabwe] here, I think are not that strong. The capitalist forces, the reactionary forces are far more formidable, far better organised. But we would have wanted to hear the voice of the anti-imperialist forces, those who espouse the cause of freedom, the cause of independence, everywhere.
Robert Mugabe

Was it not enough punishment and suffering in history that we were uprooted and made helpless slaves not only in new colonial outposts but also domestically.
Robert Mugabe

Was it not sufficient retribution and anguish in the past that we were displaced and rendered powerless captives not only in unfamiliar imperial territories but also within our own boundaries.
Our view is that we would want to see the situation in Ireland resolved, but we do not intervene in that situation for tactical reasons. Our view is commonly known that imperialism wherever it is must be fought and that justice must be done in Ireland.
Robert Mugabe

It may be necessary to use methods other than constitutional ones.
Robert Mugabe

It may be necessary to resort to unconventional tactics.
South Africa needs a second liberation.
Robert Mugabe

South Africa needs a fresh start.
We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races.
Robert Mugabe

We of Africa reject the idea that, in this modern era, we should still be viewed as inferior to other ethnicities.
In most recent times, as the West started being hostile to us, we deliberately declared a Look East policy.
Robert Mugabe

In the past few years, since the West began demonstrating antagonism towards us, we expressly adopted a Orientation Eastward strategy.
We expected anyway that the democratic forces which have agreed with us in Zimbabwe would have rallied behind us. But it was a difficult struggle.
Robert Mugabe

We anticipated that the pro-democracy groups with whom we had aligned ourselves in Zimbabwe would have stood by us. Nevertheless, it was a hard battle.
There are things one must do for oneself.
Robert Mugabe

One must take matters into their own hands.
We will proceed with current land reform with or without sanctions, ... Let that position be known here and abroad and let the commercial farmers tell that to their constituency or constituencies overseas.
Robert Mugabe

So, Blair keep your England, and let me keep my Zimbabwe.
Robert Mugabe

I wish to assure you that there can never be any return to the state of armed conflict which existed before our commitment to peace and the democratic process of election under the Lancaster House agreement.
Robert Mugabe

People are free to campaign and they will be free to vote. There won't be any soldiers, you know, at the queues. Anyone who has the right to vote is free to go and cast his vote anywhere in his own area, in his own constituency.
Robert Mugabe

Is it not obvious that Britain, under the regime of Tony Blair, has ceased to respect the Charter of the United Nations?
Robert Mugabe

Even some of our friends, not only here, but in the international community, in Africa as well, were beginning to show weakness and their weakness, did not lend support to us and we found ourselves weak negotiators at various stages.
Robert Mugabe

True, some land was bought by a few Cabinet Ministers. They bought the land. No minister, to my knowledge acquired land which was meant for resettlement.
Robert Mugabe

We pride ourselves as being top, really, on the African ladder... We feel that we have actually been advancing rather than going backwards.
Robert Mugabe