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Royal Quotes

In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do.
Gianni Versace

'In days gone by, those of noble birth were a given. Nowadays, greatness is earned.'
Authors on Royal Quotes: William Shakespeare Steven Morrissey Alastair Campbell Thomas Carlyle John Boorman Alice Cary George Eliot Caroline Rhea Nalini Singh Martin Short Queen Elizabeth II Taliesin Kevin Hearne Bill Nighy Ozzy Osbourne Evelyn Glennie Stephen Fry Matthew of Edessa Jonathan Sacks Arthur Bryant Goldwin Smith Cheshire Cat Karl Marx Prince Andrew Sigmund Freud Tony Blair John Cena Alicia Vikander Nicole Krauss Dorothy Richardson Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau Queen Noor of Jordan
There is only one royal road for the spiritual journey...Love
Sathya Sai Baba

The solitary path to spiritual growth is affection.
Why should I fear? I am on a Royal Mission. I am in the service of the King of kings.
Mary Slessor

They are not royal.
They just happen to have me as their aunt.
Queen Elizabeth II

They don't have a noble lineage; I'm just their relative.
Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act like a King to be treated
Robert Greene

The only traditions of the Royal Navy are rum, sodomy and the lash.
Winston Churchill

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.
Sigmund Freud

Sire, there is no royal road to geometry.

There's nothing so kingly as kindness, And nothing so royal as truth.
Alice Cary

I pretend I'm one of the royal family when I'm in a hotel and that the hotel belongs to me - it is a palace.
Martin Short

Lucy Fry and I became very good friends on the set…I called her ‘Royal Higness’ & she answered, ‘Yes, my Guardian.
Danila Kozlovsky

All kings and queens are not born of royal bloodlines. Some become royal because of what they do once they realize who they are
Pharrell Williams

It is a royal privilege to do good and be ill spoken of.

I don't care what kind it is, just get me a beer.
Prince Philip

Virtuous and fair, royal and gracious.
William Shakespeare

Take my will, and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne.
Frances Ridley Havergal

I shall make it my chief business to see that the [royal] executive power has its place in the constitution.
Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau

Gwyneth Paltrow -- she always looks like she's about to cry. I wish someone would just kick her and get it over with. But I loved her in The Royal Tenenbaums.
Jinkx Monsoon

I had never imagined myself, nor aspired to be, a member of a royal family. I wanted to be in the Peace Corps, not a princess!
Queen Noor of Jordan

The Admiralty said it was a plane and not a boat, the Royal Air Force said it was a boat and not a plane, the Army were plain not interested.
Christopher Cockerell

I don't have a saviour or a royal family.
John Malkovich

[To a photographer who said, 'Look this way, love':] I am not your 'love.' I am Your Royal Highness!
Anne, Princess Royal

Winning the Royal Rumble is as big an accomplishment as anything.
John Cena

A plague on eminence! I hardly dare cross the street any more without a convoy, and I am stared at wherever I go like an idiot member of a royal family or an animal in a zoo; and zoo animals have been known to die from stares.
Igor Stravinsky

The names are bigger, the show is worldwide, but I get a royal pass into life in the broadcasting business.
Larry King

I'd like to see a much more open Monarchy, myself. I used to think they were completely useless and we should get rid of them. I don't necessarily feel that way anymore. I'm still ambivalent, I still loathe the British class system, and the Royal family are the apex of the British class system.
Helen Mirren

The Royal family to me are not England, and they are not the flag.
Steven Morrissey

Baby steps are the royal road to skill.
Daniel Coyle

The royal kingcup bold Dares not don his coat of gold.
Edwin Arnold

Never criticize the composition of a Royal Highness. You never know who may have written it.
Johannes Brahms

A woman's rank Lies in the fulness of her womanhood: Therein alone she is royal.
George Eliot

Perhaps the most important contribution to science that the Royal Society has made in its three centuries of existence is its early role in publishing Newton's masterful account of his discoveries.
Julian Schwinger

There are many reasons for the decline in royal esteem. One is that so many of the royals are thick.
Alastair Campbell

As soon as we are stripped of the sordid garb of avarice, we shall be clothed with the royal and imperial vest of the opposite virtue, liberality.
Philip Neri

A goose flies by a chart which the Royal Geographical Society could not mend.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

The only royal road to elementary geometry is ingenuity.
Eric Temple Bell

The English language is like London: proudly barbaric yet deeply civilised, too, common yet royal, vulgar yet processional, sacred yet profane.
Stephen Fry

Economists, like royal children, are not punished for their errors.
James Buchan

The presence of a king engenders love Amongst his subjects, and his royal friends.
William Shakespeare

If the Royal Variety Show was put in a matter transportation machine with the Royal Institution Christmas lectures, this is what you'd get.
Robin Ince

To the royal guards of this realm, we are all victims in-waiting.
Cheshire Cat

I'm a royal pain in the behind.
Cristina Saralegui

I was playing organ at a silent movie house at Harlem and they'd be showing some death scene on the screen. Likely as not, I'd grab a bottle and start swingin' out on 'Squeeze Me' or 'Royal Garden Blues'. The managers complained but, heck, they couldn't stop me!
Fats Waller

The failure of modern living is the failure of the imagination...Literature is the royal road that enables us to enter the realm of the imagination.
Julius Lester

Bernie Ebbers and Ken Lay were caricatures - they were easy to spot. They were almost psychopaths. But it's much harder to spot problems at companies like Royal Dutch [Shell].
Charlie Munger

I'm not a royal family watcher.
Bill Nighy

There are heads of royal families who control hereditary fortunes that defy comprehension.
Paul Getty

There is no royal road or ready way to virtue.
Thomas Browne

I hated the royal wedding.
Steven Morrissey

I don't like the royal family, I don't like the establishment, I don't like the civil service.
Paul Weller