I’m not afraid of dying. Pieces of me die all the time.
Sage Francis
The devil only exists because of your belief in him; same goes for that other guy.
Sage Francis
The rich get richer until the poor get educated.
Sage Francis
Life is just a lie with an 'F' in it, and death is definite
Sage Francis
When a boy writes off the world it's done with sloppy misspelled words
If a girl writes off the world it's done in cursive.
Sage Francis
Don't waive your rights with your flags.
Sage Francis
The artist thing is just natural. If that comes out, the music, the songs, I need some actual time which I dedicate to it. But I don't have to sit down eight hours a day in order to get out what I need to create. That is just always bubbeling inside and than evetually it just comes out.
Sage Francis
Earnestness can go wrong in hip hop. On this album, it goes very right.
Sage Francis