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Sara Shepard Quotes

Sara Shepard Quotes
Always sleep with one eye open. Never take anything for granted. Your best friends might just be your enemies.
Sara Shepard

The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets.
Sara Shepard

Don't believe everything you hear
Sara Shepard

No one believes a liar. Even when she's telling the truth.
Sara Shepard

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the naughtiest of them all?
Sara Shepard

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Every pretty girl is a heartbreaker
Sara Shepard

The best secrets are the most twisted
Sara Shepard

Mike drank straight from the carton, wiped his mouth, and stared at her. "You've been acting freaky. Are you high? Can I have some if you are?
Sara Shepard

Quote Topics by Sara Shepard: Liars Secret People Fun Thinking Girl Want Writing Reading Ifs Book Littles Lying Two Past Perfect Together Guy Might Eye Mouths Stories Said Wall Lust Editors Character Sorry Problem Mean
Its more fun to think of the future than dwell on the past.
Sara Shepard

Without Mona, Hanna felt like a great outfit without matching accessories, a screw-driver that was all orange juice and no vodka, and an iPod without headphones. She just felt wrong.
Sara Shepard

But Mike was like a Bjork song-all happy and giddy and fun on the surface, but bubbling with turmoil and pain underneath.
Sara Shepard

Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it.
Sara Shepard

How could they think Noel was hot? If this was REALLY Versailles, Noel SO would not be Louis XIV, he would be the French version of the village idiot
Sara Shepard

Sometimes I feel kind of wrong here. I used to be normal, but now... I don't know. I feel like I should be one way, but I'm not." Toby stared at her. "I hear that." He sighed. "There are all these perfect people here. And... it's like, if you're not one of the,. then you're messed up. But I think, inside, the flawless-looking people are just as messed up as we are.
Sara Shepard

Never trust a pretty little liars even though they might be right.
Sara Shepard

Sometimes, a family is like an ear of summer corn: It might look perfect on the outside, but when you peel the husk away. every kernel is rotten.
Sara Shepard

Or perhaps all those things you missed upon first glance mean much more than you could ever guess.
Sara Shepard

Whatever baggage you have, use it. Conquer it. Don’t let it stop you.
Sara Shepard

You know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery!
Sara Shepard

I know these are going to sound like school reading-list suggestions, but if you like dystopian fiction, you should check out some of the originals: Anthem, by Ayn Rand; 1984, by George Orwell; or Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley.
Sara Shepard

If the next car passed is blue, Violet will be okay, she thought. If it's red, A will do something horrible to her. She heard a growl of an engine and shut her eyes, afraid to see what the future might hold. She'd never cared so much about anything in her life. Just as the car was passing, she opened her eyes and saw a Mercedes hood ornament. She let out a long sigh, tears coming to her eyes once more. The car was blue.
Sara Shepard

There are some remedies worse than disease.
Sara Shepard

She knew too much. -A
Sara Shepard

I do a lot of brainstorming with my editors.
Sara Shepard

Catch me if you can -A
Sara Shepard

The obstacle is the path.
Sara Shepard

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls is the quintessential dysfunctional family.
Sara Shepard

Hide and seek was my favorite game with Melissa. You want to know why? I always won.
Sara Shepard

She still felt like a punked-out, faux-leather-wearing, free-thinking Bratz doll in a sea of Pretty Princess of Preppyland Barbies.
Sara Shepard

Even if you're an adult you still have secrets and scandals following you.
Sara Shepard

Aria: I went to Hollis. Because I was looking for...you know. Her. She was teaching an art class, so I ran inside, grabbed a paintbrush, and painted a scarlet A across her chest. You know, like that woman in The Scarlet Letter? It was awesome. She didn't know what hit her. And then I said, 'Now everyone will know what you've done'. Ella: Do you realize that Hester Prynne is supposed to be a sympathetic character?
Sara Shepard

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.
Sara Shepard

I find coming up with a title the hardest part of writing a novel.
Sara Shepard

Life isn’t worth living if you’re scared all the time.
Sara Shepard

It's about taking everything you thought was true and throwing it out the window. It's about embracing life's unpredictability, letting go of boundaries, and starting over
Sara Shepard

Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.
Sara Shepard

You should know the truth about the stars--- even though it seems like they're close together, up there in heavens, they're zillion light years apart.
Sara Shepard

Sutton's dead. Tell no one. Keep playing along... or you're next.
Sara Shepard

Be Yourself Not What The World Wants You To Be
Sara Shepard

Never under estimate a pretty little liar.
Sara Shepard

I kind of have to go to the bathroom," Aria said woozily. Ezra smiled. "Can I come?
Sara Shepard

Secrets are very intriguing - I always think thats an interesting theme.
Sara Shepard

If a little voice in your head is telling you something is up, maybe you should listen.
Sara Shepard

I do a lot of brainstorming with my editors. Sometimes it just comes out in the writing. I'll get an idea as I'm writing the chapter. I try to go for maximum surprises in PLL, stuff you don't see coming. It's a lot of fun!
Sara Shepard

I understood we used to be close. But they were like books i'd read two summer ago; I knew I'd liked them, but I couldn't tell you now what they'd been about.
Sara Shepard

We killed an innocent girl
Sara Shepard

But you can't make someone be something they're not.
Sara Shepard

Last but not least, she put on a pair of black-framed reading glasses she’d found on Mr. Mercer’s bedside table. If it worked for Clark Kent, it’d work for her.
Sara Shepard

I don't know what to do,' she finished. 'I feel like I'm the one who has to keep everyone together.
Sara Shepard

Sometimes you have to admit that a relationship can't be fixed. That no matter how much you want to, you can't trust some people.
Sara Shepard