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Scorpios Quotes

My birth sign is Scorpio and they eat themselves up and burn themselves out. I swing between happiness and misery. I am part prude and part nonconformist. I say what I think and I don't pretend and I am prepared to accept the consequences of my actions.
Vivien Leigh

Authors on Scorpios Quotes: Vivien Leigh June Diane Raphael Chloe Sevigny James Van Praagh Christopher Durang Richard Betts Candace Bushnell John Waters Chely Wright
I'm a Scorpio, and who knows if there is any validity to it, but I'm very emotional. I have high highs and low lows.
Chely Wright

I am a Scorpio, and playing the seductress appeals to me. There are a lot of women throughout film history, like Marlene Dietrich or Mae West - those are the women I was always attracted to. The bad girls.
Chloe Sevigny

I'm a Scorpio, and Scorpios eat themselves out and burn themselves up like me.
Vivien Leigh

Duane Allman was one of the best there ever was ... when you listen to him, you are hearing a truly gifted individual giving his all to the music, and there is nothing better than that. Duane played music the same way that he rode his motorcycle and drove his car .. he was a daredevil, just triple Scorpio, God's-on-my-side wide open... that was part of the romance and I loved Duane. I have nothing but admiration for him
Richard Betts

That's one of my greatest strengths. I'm a Scorpio rising - we're very decisive. I'm very good at cutting things off that don't feel right.
June Diane Raphael

I love people, studying people. That's the Scorpio part of me. We are natural detectives; we like to find things out.
James Van Praagh

It is a sin to follow your horoscope because only God knows the future and He won't tell us. Also, we can tell horoscopes are false because according to astrology, Christ would have been a Capricorn, and Capricorn people are cold, ambitious and attracted to Scorpio and Virgo, and we know that Christ was warm, loving, and not attracted to anybody.
Christopher Durang

I can only hope he's an Aries and not a Scorpio.
Candace Bushnell

You have to remember the police used to raid and arrest the audience for seeing Scorpio Rising (1964), or Jack Smith movies. Wouldn't that be exciting today, if you see went to the movie and everyone at the IFC was arrested in a paddy wagon and taken away?
John Waters