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Sensitive Person Quotes

He said I was the most sensitive person he had ever seen- that I belonged to the hyper-hyper type and we rarely survive!
Ruth Draper

Authors on Sensitive Person Quotes: Hillary Clinton Beth Gibbons Gisele Bundchen Robert Walser Michael Keaton Rajneesh Marlon Brando Ruth Draper Tinsel Korey Jim Brown Rollo May Richard Simmons Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Ellen DeGeneres Saul Williams Rick Yancey Jenny Slate Dianna Agron Fiona Apple Robert Nozick
Every sensitive person carries in himself old cities enclosed by ancient walls
Robert Walser

I'm such an incredibly, stupidly sensitive person that everything that happens to me, I experience it really intensely. I feel everything very deeply. And when you feel things deeply and you think about things a lot and you think about how you feel, you learn a lot about yourself. And when you know yourself, you know life.
Fiona Apple

A sensitive person receives fifty impressions where somebody else may only get seven. Sensitive people are so vulnerable; they're so easily brutalized and hurt just because they are sensitive. The more sensitive you are, the more certain you are to be brutalized, develop scabs.Analysis helps. It helped me. But still, the last eight, nine years I've been pretty messed up, a mess pretty much.
Marlon Brando

Is there really someone who, searching for a group of wise and sensitive persons to regulate him for his own good, would choose that group of people that constitute the membership of both houses of Congress?
Robert Nozick

Even the most sensitive person can get used to even the most insensitive thing. Cruelty isn’t a personality trait. Cruelty is a habit.
Rick Yancey

I'm a very sensitive person. I do like to be respected. I'm very loyal. I like it to be a two-way street.
Jim Brown

I am a very sensitive person, very impulsive and emotional.
Beth Gibbons

Do not give in too much to feelings. A overly sensitive heart is an unhappy possession on this shaky earth.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I'm a really sensitive person. I cry if I miss a cab. I've always worn my emotions on my sleeve. I think it makes life so much better when you can talk about anything.
Michael Keaton

A very sensitive person in this stupid world is bound to become mad.... Only meditation can save him from becoming mad.

I'm a very sensitive person, and I feel what makes me vulnerable. But I see that as a good thing. I really enjoy experiencing all the different emotions in life.
Gisele Bundchen

It is amazing how many hints and guides and intuitions for living come to the sensitive person who has ears to hear what his body is saying.
Rollo May

I am a sensitive person, so it is actually saddening to learn that these poverty-stricken families are most of the time mistreated or looked down upon. Help the poor, like how you would want to be helped if you were in their position.
Hillary Clinton

I've just always been that kid that was like, "Look at me! Look at me!," and doing performances and skits. I'm also, as most artists are, a very sensitive person, so I need that outlet to release that. Art needs to be in my life, otherwise I can't function as a human being. I heard Madonna say, "Live it, breathe it, eat it." That's how I am with the artistic part of myself.
Tinsel Korey

The thing that bubbles up the most when I'm around other people is that I feel a joy of being alive. But I also am a very sensitive person and have many heavier feelings. It can be tiresome after a while to only do comedy, especially after you grow as a person. It starts to feel like you're playing an older version of yourself.
Jenny Slate

I might as well be gay. And not just because I love rhinestones and Barbara Streisand. But because Im a sensitive person who is supportive of gay people the same way Im sensitive to grossly obese people and ugly people.
Richard Simmons

I was raised in an atmosphere of 'everything's fine.' But as I got older, I was like, 'Well no, everything's not fine. There is stuff that's sad.' I am a really sensitive person. I think I am too sensitive sometimes.
Ellen DeGeneres

I'm a very sensitive person at times. Not just to words that anybody says, but in relationships for example, the people that you open up to, you listen to, you hear - you know? So a lot of times, the key to some of my vulnerability is just through things, simple things - or critiques or whatever - or could be very simple things that are said.
Saul Williams

Having a dance background, I became used to rejection at an early age. Dance is very competitive, especially for a sensitive person like me. But I realized it’s better not to take it so seriously. If you beat yourself up, it’s hard to keep going.
Dianna Agron