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Shakes Quotes

Any great change must expect opposition, because it shakes the very foundation of privilege.
Lucretia Mott

Any drastic transformation must anticipate pushback, because it disturbs the cornerstone of entitlement.
Authors on Shakes Quotes: Eric Alterman Felix Dennis Thomas Harris Ashlee Simpson James P. Hoffa Frank Herbert Pharrell Williams Swami Vivekananda Ted Cruz Luigi Pirandello Chris Bosh Katherine Heigl Simon Cowell Veronica Roth Jerry Lee Lewis Debra Messing Bella Thorne Oswald Chambers Tom Hanks Andrew Rannells Leston Havens Edwin Arlington Robinson Ryan Gander Ted Nugent Lucretia Mott Alison Pick Ken Baumann Isaac Asimov Pat Robertson Stephen Leacock Taryn Manning Herschel Walker Dirk Nowitzki
When someone throws trash on you, shake it off, stomp on it, and use it to rise to the top!
John Hagee

'When someone tries to drag you down, brush it off, trample over it, and use the situation to reach the pinnacle!'
I shake my booty all the time! It's the best workout!
Ashlee Simpson

Don’t shake…unless you’re ready to get shook!

There aren't that many things left that haven't already been done, especially with music. I'm interested in ideas that can shake us all up.
Jack White

Our enslavement to oil has required the repression of millions of Arab people. As they shake off their bonds, so must we.
Naomi Klein

You go shake your foundations, Will. I think it's about time I saved myself.
Melina Marchetta

I do this 'Walker shake.' You got to get knocked down many times, shake it off. Life is about ups and downs, and you got to keep standing up.
Herschel Walker

our present picture of physical reality, particularly in relation to the nature of time, is due for a grand shake up
Roger Penrose

I like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable.
Jim Morrison

You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain.
Jerry Lee Lewis

It's hard... to shake off something that's already under your skin.
Thomas Harris

Keep away from fantasy. Shake off the image.
Sam Shepard

I came up with my own 'Dream Shake' I guess - the white version.
Dirk Nowitzki

Shake and shake the catsup bottle none will come and then a lot'll.
Richard Armour

I'm real conscious about money still. That's how I came up and you can't shake that.
Chris Bosh

Shake the tree of life itself and bring down fruits unheard of.
Edwin Arlington Robinson

Behind each door we shake is a reality.
Akiane Kramarik

When the music changes, the walls of the city shake.

All workers want is a fair shake.
James P. Hoffa

They that stand high have many blasts to shake them.
William Shakespeare

Science and religion will meet and shake hands.
Swami Vivekananda

If you shake my hand, better count your fingers
Dave Mustaine

It is closer to the truth to say that God is crazy than that God is reasonable. I suspect God merely smiles when someone calls him crazy, but shakes His head and frowns when someone calls Him reasonable.
Peter Kreeft

To shake your rump is to be environmentally aware.
David Byrne

Ma's still nodding. "You're the one who matters, though. Just you." I shake my head till it's wobbling because there's no just me.
Emma Donoghue

I'm fascinated by diamonds. When I put diamonds on, my hands start to shake.
Debra Messing

Above all, the clinician must not shake what little faith the patient has in himself.
Leston Havens

Shake yourself free from the manikin you create out of a false interpretation of what you do and what you feel, and you'll at once see that the manikin you make yourself is nothing at all like what you really are or what you really can be!
Luigi Pirandello

I just like to shake things up, and your hair is one way to do it.
Katherine Heigl

An "I know what I like" mentality is hard to shake, but of course appreciation has space for being challenged.
Ryan Gander

The parent who could see his boy as he really is, would shake his head and say: 'Willie is no good; I'll sell him.
Stephen Leacock

We knew our days were numbered. We had fouled up our lives and we were getting ready for a shake-up.
Raymond Carver

I do not shake hands from a sanitary standpoint.
Victoria Woodhull

The greatest changes in history have come when people were able to shake off what others told them to do.
Richelle Mead

Resolved to take fate by the throat and shake a living out of her.
Louisa May Alcott

I tell the person I won't take a picture or sign the autograph, but I will shake their hand. That kind of personal touch is all they're really seeking.
Chevy Chase

Making money is certainly the one addiction I cannot shake.
Felix Dennis

Some of the best art occurs when people are oppressed. That's just what we do as a species when something shakes us up.
Pharrell Williams

Belief is harder to shake than knowledge.
Adolf Hitler

Shake your business up and pour it. I haven't got all day.
Raymond Chandler

Fatherhood is a very natural thing; it's not something that shakes up my life but rather it enriches it.
Andrea Bocelli

He could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time.
Hunter S. Thompson

Shake it off and move on.
Tom Hanks

Time is a snow globe; you shake it and everything changes.
Alison Pick

Don't ever let anyone shake your faith in yourself, because that's really all that you have.
Sherry Argov

Shake me off, then, sir--push me away; for I'll not leave you of my own accord.
Charlotte Bronte

Please don't wake me, no, don't shake me, leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping.
John Lennon

If it shakes you in the right places, it's Gods gift.
Steven Tyler

Liberals believe that they can't get a fair shake from the media anymore.
Eric Alterman