Given the eclectic and constantly shifting nature of my metaphysical inclinations, I will probably never feel certain exactly what an angel is.
Martha Beck
It is impossible to improve any process until it is standardized. If the process is shifting from here to there, then any improvement will just be one more variation that is occasionally used and mostly ignored. One must standardize, and thus stabilize the process, before continuous improvement can be made.
Masaaki Imai
TV is shifting into the background of just being another appliance; it’s just a bigger screen.
Hari Sreenivasan
Each one of us is a set of shifting molecules, spinning in ecstasy.
Jim Jarmusch
You should always know when you're shifting gears in life. You should leave your era - it should never leave you.
Leontyne Price
For indeed all that we think so new to-day has been acted over and over again, a shifting comedy, by the women of every century.
Agnes Repplier
If you're a creative person, what inspires you is always changing; it's always shifting.
The truth is an arbitrary, shifting, culturally relative, and historically molded phenomenon.
Ken Wilber
There's so much more power, so you're short-shifting all the way down into fifth, sixth, seventh before you can get the full throttle. But great fun otherwise.
Lewis Hamilton
Men are only clever at shifting blame from their own shoulders to those of others.
Secondly, figures, the symbols of numerical magnitude, are frequently also the symbols of operations, as when they are the indices of powers. Wherever terms have a shifting meaning, independent sets of considerations are liable to become complicated together, and reasoning and results are frequently falsified.
Ada Lovelace
You must not lose confidence in God because you lost confidence in your pastor. If our confidence in God had to depend upon our confidence in any human person, we would be on shifting sand.
Francis Schaeffer
When any significant change takes place in the moral standards of a community, it is immediately reflected in a general shifting of the meanings of common words.
Owen Barfield
The fuss that actors began making about the difficulty of shifting to sound struck me as perfectly foolish.
Gloria Swanson
we still have the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building and the Woolworth Building, but it just seems like part of the nature of New York, that it's always shifting.
Richard Hell
Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we can learn to dance on the shifting carpet.
Thomas Crum
There's one thing that I like about Rome that was stated by Napoleon: that from sublime to pathetic is only one step away. And in Rome there's a constant shifting between sublime and pathetic.
Paolo Sorrentino
One main reason why the separate nature of the science of operations has been little felt, and in general little dwelt on, is the shifting meaning of many of the symbols used in mathematical notation. First, the symbols of operation are frequently also the symbols of the results of operations.
Ada Lovelace
Humanism . . . is not a single hypothesis or theorem, and it dwells on no new facts. It is rather a slow shifting in the philosophic perspective, making things appear as from a new centre of interest or point of sight.
William James
I could not accept that organizational interpretations, based on shifting human reasoning, could ever be made equal in authority to the actual statements found in God's unchangeable Word.
Raymond Franz
Life changing repentance begins where blame shifting ends.
Timothy Keller
Agnosticism is no excuse for indecision. If anything, it is a catalyst for action; for in shifting concern away from a future life and back to the present, it demands an ethics of empathy rather than a metaphysics of fear and hope.
Stephen Batchelor
Individually and collectively, we are shifting from a position of fear into surrender and trust of the intuitive. The power of the feminine energy is on the rise in our world.
Shakti Gawain
I am on the cusp of change and the curve is shifting fast.
Audre Lorde
For some reason, you will no longer be the person you believed you once were. You'll detect slow and subtle shifts going on all around you, more importantly shifts in you. Worse, you'll realize it's always been shifting, like a shimmer of sorts, a vast shimmer, only dark like a room. But you won't understand why or how.
Mark Z. Danielewski
Studios and networks who ignore either shift - whether the increasing sophistication of storytelling, or the constantly shifting sands of technological advancement - will be left behind.
Kevin Spacey
The erogenous zone is always shifting, and it is the business of fashion to pursue it, without ever catching it up.
James Laver
There's no leaving Edinburgh, No shifting it around: it stays with you, always.
Alan Bold
The affairs of this world are so shifting and depend on so many accidents, that it is hard to form any judgment concerning the future; nay, we see from experience that the forecasts even of the wise almost always turn out false.
Francesco Guicciardini
Underneath the shifting appearances of the world as perceived by our unreliable senses, is there, or is there not, a bedrock of objective reality?
Hans Christian von Baeyer
There is fear as to whether Japan, reduced to such a predicament, could ever manage to pay reparations to certain designated Allied Powers without shifting the burden upon the other Allied Powers.
Shigeru Yoshida
As species are exterminated by shifting climate zones, ecosystems can collapse, destroying more species.
James Hansen
The term 'cost shifting,' as I use it, refers to those items in a university's budget that used to be reimbursed by the federal government but are no longer paid for by them.
Charles M. Vest
I admire David De Gea. I cannot remember anyone coming into Manchester United and being criticised the way he was. He was the subject of every debate in the media. You haven’t seen De Gea defend himself in the media or shifting the blame elsewhere. He just gets on with it.
Peter Schmeichel
There are some things in this world you rely on, like a sure bet. And when they let you down, shifting from where you've carefully placed them, it shakes your faith, right where you stand.
Sarah Dessen
We are not concerned about innovation shifting from the U.S. I still believe that the U.S. still has capabilities for innovation.
Craig Mundie
We are shifting from a managerial society to an entrepreneurial society.
John Naisbitt
Mitt Romney - he had a Rock Hudson thing going, shoeblack hair and a well-hung resume, but even for a shameless, position-shifting phony he seemed a trifle insincere.
James Wolcott
The world we experience with our unaided senses is fluid and animate, shifting and transforming in response to our own shifts of position and of mood.
David Abram
Pop is the most competitive form of music there is. You are always fighting to be adopted and accepted by the masses, and it's always shifting.
I lived in a brilliantly lit haze, shifting and flickering according to my changing desires. Of course, that is only a description of being young.
Doris Lessing
Radicals must be resilient, adaptable to shifting political circumstances, and sensitive enough to the process of action and reaction to avoid being trapped by their own tactics and forced to travel a road not of their choosing.
Saul Alinsky
Stubborness is also determination. It's simply a matter of shifting from "won't power" to "will power.
Peter McWilliams
Value is shifting from those that produce the content, to those that deliver the experience of consuming it.
Saul Berman
You're not built for riding, either," Horace added. "I'd say more saddle sore than homesick." Svenal sighed ruefully, shifting his buttocks for the twentieth time to find a more comfortable spot. "It's true," he said. "I've been discovering parts of my backside I never knew existed.
John Flanagan
Dazzling combinations are for the many, shifting wood is for the few
Georg Kieninger
All history is defined by shifting modes of reality and time and how things change. That’s what I love about cinema. It changes in the moment.
Ira Sachs
It is impossible to stand upright when one plants his roots in the shifting sands of popular opinion and approval.
Thomas S. Monson
Poetry is a dangerous profession between conflict and resolution, between feeling and thought, between becoming and being, between the ultra-personal and the universal - and these balances are shifting all the time.
May Sarton