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Shrinking Quotes

Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose.
Carl Jung

Authors on Shrinking Quotes: Michael Hudson Ian Mcewan Douglas A. Blackmon Josef Skvorecky Mark Hyman, M.D. Victor Hugo Eric Hoffer Marianne Williamson William J. Clinton Barack Obama Muriel Rukeyser Laozi Dizzy Dean Joseph Barber Lightfoot Jason Silva Scott Walker Carl Jung Franklin Raines Valerie Jarrett Paul Auster Louie Giglio Zig Ziglar Al Gore Juan Manuel Fangio Rick Bayan Dean Kamen Joachim Peiper Greg Laurie Victor Davis Hanson Peter Coyote Lynn Nottage Oscar Handlin Bette Midler
History is always written by the victor, and the histories of the losing parties belong to the shrinking circle of those who were there.
Joachim Peiper

There will be no misgiving, no shrinking back, no calculation of overpowering odds, no terror of possible consequences, if you frankly accept the gift which God offers you tomorrow.
Joseph Barber Lightfoot

The rhino is now more or less extinct, and it's not because of global warming or shrinking habitats. It's because of Beyonce's handbags.
Steven Morrissey

Femininity itself has become a brand, a narrow and shrinking formula of commoditised identity which can be sold back to women who have become alienated from their own power as living, loving, labouring beings.
Laurie Penny

As technology continues to increase our possibilities, what we're seeing is a shrinking of the lag time between what we dream about and what we create.
Jason Silva

There is in most passions a shrinking away from ourselves. The passionate pursuer has all the earmarks of a fugitive.
Eric Hoffer

More than ever, the world needs good engineers. However, the pool of talent is shrinking not growing.
Dean Kamen

If left unchecked, global change will create violent conflict, torrential storms, shrinking coastlines, and irreversible catastrophe.
Valerie Jarrett

When I see a paragraph shrinking under my eyes like a strip of bacon in a skillet, I know I'm on the right track.
Peter De Vries

But I don't want massive layoffs of anyone - public or private. We are planning on shrinking government through attrition and reform, not through random pink slips.
Scott Walker

History has shown that a government's redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector's creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy.
Victor Davis Hanson

This is the true liberty of Christ, when a free man binds himself in love to duty. Not in shrinking from our distasteful occupations, but in fulfilling them, do we realize our high origin.
Frederick William Robertson

I have no fear nor shrinking; I have seen death so often that it is not strange or fearful to me.
Edith Cavell

In times of shrinking expectations,... everyone feels like a victim and pushes away outsiders to defend his own corner.
Oscar Handlin

When I first came out of Argentina to Europe, the flight took 36 hours. Now it takes 12 hours, and the world is still shrinking.
Juan Manuel Fangio

The polar bear for many has become a living symbol of the dangers of global warming. The powerful kings of the arctic are finding their habitat shrinking.
Sam Champion

There is beauty everywhere on earth, but there is greater beauty in those places where one feels that sense of ease which comes from no longer having to put off one’s dreams until some improbable future – a future inexorably shrinking away; where the fear that has pervaded one’s life suddenly vanishes because there is... nothing to be afraid of.
Josef Skvorecky

Shrinking someone's stomach to the size of a walnut with surgery is one way to battle obesity and diabetes and may be lifesaving for a few, but it doesn't address the underlying causes.
Mark Hyman, M.D.

If you can do it, it ain't braggin'... it's a matter of self-confidence. I got where I did because I wasn't no shrinking violet.
Dizzy Dean

The world is sagging, snagging, scaling, spalling, pilling, pinging, pitting, warping, checking, fading, chipping, cracking, yellowing, leaking, stalling, shrinking, and in dynamic unbalance.
Donald Barthelme

Plays are getting smaller and smaller, not because playwrights minds are shrinking but because of the economics.
Lynn Nottage

The churches that are growing and thriving are churches that I would call evangelical and orthodox for the most part in their beliefs. They are churches that tend to evangelize ... and encourage their people to share their faith. These are the churches that are actually growing. The ones that are shrinking are the ones that are compromising and watering down what the word of God says.
Greg Laurie

The world is shrinking as we see more and more of it in the media, and the more we see of the world, the smaller we are, the more aware we are of how insignificant any one of us is.
Jock Sturges

Sin has a way of shrinking God down and puffing ourselves up.
Louie Giglio

With the shrinking of the US economy, and it's shrinking very rapidly, you not only have more money, but you also have fewer goods. That's a classic double-whammy on inflation.
Arthur Laffer

I feel like you have to tell people who you are, but you don't have to be disrespectful about it. But you also don't have to be a shrinking violet.
Keke Palmer

The conversation on global warming has been stalled because a shrinking group of denialists fly into a rage when it's mentioned.
Al Gore

Rather than shrinking away from your problems, grow bigger than them.
Zig Ziglar

CHILDHOOD: The rapidly shrinking interval between infancy and first arrest on a drug or weapons charge.
Rick Bayan

Habitat for wildlife is continually shrinking - I can at least provide a way station.
Peter Coyote

dogma and shrinking from the external world are at one limit of the range of belief. At the other are science and poetry and, indeed, reality.
Muriel Rukeyser

Attention spans are shrinking on a daily basis, and it's getting harder to make an impression that lasts. So the fact that we were able to make a mark in a way that led to the continued relevance of the record is kind of crazy. I'm in awe of that.
Sam Fogarino

Awareness is very, very important because we're living in a world which is literally shrinking by the day. We are global citizens. So, for us not to be aware of what's happening to our neighbor is almost sad. Once you're aware, then you can decide what cause you want to dedicate your time to.
Freida Pinto

There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people
Marianne Williamson

He slipped away slowly, withdrawing from this world by small, imperceptible degrees, and in the end it was as if he were a drop of water evaporating in the sun, shrinking and shrinking until at last he wasn’t there anymore.
Paul Auster

The world is the expanding Greece and Greece is the shrinking world.
Victor Hugo

The region of the mysterious is rapidly shrinking.
John Desmond Bernal

I'm confident that I'm as intelligent as many people, but I know that I'm not as intelligent as some. So in the presence of hyperintelligent people, I'm a shrinking violet because I don't want to look like a fool. I know a little about a lot and a lot about a little.
Bette Midler

The beauty of Twitter is that more and more people are flocking to it because it's shrinking their world.
Dick Costolo

For a long time I wanted to draw, but I could never get the proportions right. My still life sketches were the artistic equivalent of someone who has misjudged the space constraints of a postcard, the handwriting shrinking uncomfortably at the bottom.
Sloane Crosley

After a moment of shrinking back, we domesticate the grotesque.
Mason Cooley

I think you can't deny that because the cochlear implant exists, the signing world is shrinking.
Andrew Solomon

The old internet is shrinking and being replaced by walled gardens over which Google's crawlers can't climb.
John Battelle

When it comes to letting the world in on the secrets of his heart, he has about as much shrinking reticence as a steam calliope.
P. G. Wodehouse

When Hillary Clinton said she's going to do just what Obama does and we're going to continue to recover, most people know that we're not recovering at all. We're shrinking.
Michael Hudson

Republicans face unexpected challenges in coastal South amid shrinking white vote
Douglas A. Blackmon

In that shrinking moment he discovered that he had never hated anyone until now. It was a feeling as pure as love, but dispassionate and icily rational.
Ian Mcewan

What is certainly true is that the American people, just like the German people, just like the British and people around the world, are seeing extraordinarily rapid change. The world is shrinking, the economies have become much more integrated and demographics are shifting.
Barack Obama

There is no example on the planet of a successful economy with broadly shared prosperity and a shrinking, weak government.
William J. Clinton