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Sincerely Quotes

Religion is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize humankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it as I detest everything that is cruel.
Thomas Paine

Authors on Sincerely Quotes: Eliot Spitzer Orison Swett Marden Thomas Paine Johannes Tauler Augusten Burroughs Clarice Lispector Napoleon Hill Tom Verlaine John Calvin Alice Walker Bruce Lee Georgette Heyer Dale Carnegie Slavoj Žižek Jean Racine Tao Porchon-Lynch Bing Crosby Novak Djokovic Peter Greenaway Sri Chinmoy Mary Hart Tariq Ramadan Jason Evert Albert Schweitzer Patton Oswalt Robert Hugh Benson Louella Parsons Ralph Waldo Emerson Jean-Jacques Rousseau Alphonsus Liguori
The only truth is that I live. Sincerely, I live. Who am I? Well, that's a bit much.
Clarice Lispector

You can love a person deeply and sincerely whom you do not like. You can like a person passionately whom you do not love.
Robert Hugh Benson

I really, sincerely believe that one should trust the work, and not the author.
Peter Greenaway

Success means doing something sincerely and wholeheartedly.
Bruce Lee

Make the other person feel important - and do it sincerely.
Dale Carnegie

I just don't like people coming up to me and saying something. It immediately makes you become insincere. There is no way you can react to it sincerely.
Tom Verlaine

The first person I ever cared deeply and sincerely about was - myself.
Louella Parsons

Judge yourself; if you sincerely and humbly do that, you will not be judged by God.
Johannes Tauler

I never thought anything about age. I believed sincerely and still do, that there’s nothing I cannot do. I believe that all the power in the universe is right inside me.
Tao Porchon-Lynch

I don`t sing anywhere as good as I used to, and I feel sincerely that it`s getting worse.
Bing Crosby

Ideology today is unfreedom which you sincerely personally experience as freedom.
Slavoj Žižek

In my case, I can sincerely say nothing is impossible.
Novak Djokovic

Peace will come wherever it is sincerely invited.
Alice Walker

A Muslim should be sincerely religious AND politically aware.
Tariq Ramadan

Whenever you are sincerely pleased you are nourished.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

God is displeased at the diffidence of souls who love Him sincerely and whom He Himself loves.
Alphonsus Liguori

What we sincerely believe regarding ourselves is true for us.
Orison Swett Marden

To every New Yorker - and to all those who believed in what I tried to stand for - I sincerely apologize.
Eliot Spitzer

Unless men establish their complete happiness in God, they will never give themselves truly and sincerely to him.
John Calvin

but I am not here ironically; I am here sincerely.
Augusten Burroughs

Failure is not a disgrace if you have sincerely done your best.
Napoleon Hill

You’ve no more for me than I have for you.” Considerably disconcerted by this direct attack, she stammered: “How can you say so? When I am sure I have always been most sincerely attached to you!” “You deceive yourself, sister: not to me, but to my purse!
Georgette Heyer

If I could believe that this was said sincerely, I could put up with anything.
Jean Racine

If you want to understand yourself, Then do not examine yourself. Just love yourself more sincerely, More soulfully And more self-givingly.
Sri Chinmoy

I honestly, sincerely love what I do.
Mary Hart

For those who sincerely seek the truth should not fear the outcome.
Albert Schweitzer

If you sincerely want to know if you're "going too far," don't ask yourself, "Is this bad?" Instead ask yourself, "Is this pure?"
Jason Evert

I think right now is the best time for stand-up, ever. I sincerely do.
Patton Oswalt

I loved too sincerely, too completely, I venture to say, to be able to be happy easily.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau